This Is What Newborn Animals Look Like Video
This Is What Newborn Animals Look Like Video
Video Script::
hi everyone cute cats will forever remain the main trend on the Internet and when it comes to little kittens you may even feel cuteness overload they're so adorable and clumsy in fact for some strange reason humans seem to love baby animals much more than adults animals unless it's some very scary insect or a spider today we'll show you some different newborn animals and it's up to you to decide who is the most adorable of them all let's get it on scorpion it's believed that a scorpion is a venomous animal which should be avoided at all times actually this is not quite true to begin with there are about 1,750 species of scorpions and only 50 of them are really dangerous in only about 25 are deadly for humans the rest to protect themselves from the outside perils only with their tenacious claws another interesting fact is that scorpions don't lay eggs as you might have thought this type of arachnid gives birth to live offspring a scorpion can add five to several dozen Cubs it won't brood and they're born completely white as if made from some strange gelatin that's because young scorpions have no shell within a year they will molt about seven times and after that they will grow fully fledged armor surprisingly enough right after the birth the babies immediately climb onto the back of their mother where they will remain for the first week or two this is necessary in order to protect their fragile bodies however even after they grow their first carapace they still depend on their mother in fact even those scorpions that molted several times still need their mother to survive she feeds the babies and prevents conflicts within the family scorpions become independent only in a year and a half and stop growing by the age of seven Echidna have you ever seen an echidna you must admit that it doesn't look like the cutest animal on earth rather like some kind of mutant Hedgehog however that the Cubs of this animal are really cute they are adorable chubby and don't have those frightening needles they look a bit like the nifflas from the magical universe of Harry Potter it is funny there's even a special name for a kitnik Cubs poggle's they hatch from eggs stored in their mother's soft pouches puggles grow up to one centimeter in length and their weight barely reaches a gram the mother's pouch secretes milk so the Cubs lick it right from the mothers skin when a puggle is born the mother digs a small hole near by where she leaves the Cubs she checks the place only once every few days to feed the offspring this goes on for about six months until the puzzle begins to grow needles and can become independent by the way this unusual species of mammals can be found only in Australia tapir these amazing animals are very peculiar they look like a mix between an elephants a boar and a bear of course as a Paris nothing in common with these animals this animal can be found in Central and South America and some regions of Asia by the way CPAs are often referred to as godness of the forest because they spread the seeds of various fruits in the rainforests baby tape ears look nothing like their parents that adult species are either uniform in color or have a white body with black on the front back but the Cubs are more like a zebra although their stripes are a bit different this camouflage disappears only by the time the baby is four to seven months old when it becomes an adults by the way the tapir usually has only one baby and he bears more than a year during the first days of life the cup hides in a shelter but in about a week it starts following his mother when she's looking food the tapir begins maintaining an adult's diet only six months later and until then he feeds on his mother's milk like all mammals red-crab twice a year the christmas island located near australia turns completely red sounds like the beginning of some scary story rights but don't worry the reason behind this phenomenon is very hard thousands of red crabs migrate here for breeding females lay eggs in the ocean and in a month whole hordes of cute crabs hatch on the shore not all of this colony of Newports survive though some are carried away by the current others are eaten by predators and sambar hunted by adult crabs yes cannibalism is common among this species of animals in the end nature is merciless and as its strict laws armadillo this unusual creature that loves to hide from prying eyes and a strong shell is much more interesting than you might think for example in case of severe stress armadillo females can hold an embryo in a dormant state for two years also armadillo litters only contain offspring of the same sex often it's genetically identical quadruplets which is of great interest for scientific research by the way the reason for this phenomenon is that all the offspring of the female develops from the same egg newborn armadillos are born without a shell to their body is covered with soft skin like most mammals by the way you probably know that some armadillo species can roll into a perfect ball - - these structural features of that armored but the big hairy armadillos don't know how to do this so when there is a danger they either burrow into the ground or press it against with their whole body become invulnerable small armadillos feed on their mother's milk for only a few weeks and after that they switch to an adult diet their Armour is actually a real bone that grows rightfull the vertebrae some internet users claimed that the armor of this beast is bulletproof so this of course is not true however the shell is strong indeed societies from all over the world are studying to create super durable materials porcupine the porcupine is one of those animals you wouldn't want to approach if you think that they're born this way of course not in facts the long and dangerous needles of an unusual animal are just two modified coats newborn animals are born with acute fluff on their bodies but after a week it hardens congratulate the baby turns into a formidable porcupine ready to fight off any predator by the way an amazing fact the needles of these funny animals are hollow that is there's nothing actually inside them that's why porcupines float so well and have good swimming skills but the primary goal of this unusual weapon is protection from enemies sharp porcupine needles can scare away even an adult leopard skunk pop culture is not particularly kind to skunks in cartoons they're always shown as nasty stinkers with bad characters that is not entirely fair though yes these smell released by these animals is truly very unpleasant but with its help they make a huge contribution to the surrounding ecosystem for example they kill harmful insects that can destroy valuable plants so in a way their smell as a natural repellent although not one in a can have you ever seen a baby skunk though it's impossible not to say all when you see them especially when they angry stomp their furry paws that's House Congress usually show that they're displeased with something some people adopt skunks as pets too however not everyone is willing to put up with their little peculiarities and some ignorant owners even subjet the animals to operations to remove their scent glands needless to say that is absolutely unacceptable of course small skunks look charming but to change their bodies in such a barbaric way is simply an inhumane violation of the laws of nature dick dick at first you might think that this cute little animal is an inspiration for the world famous form Bambi from the Disney car scene is not quite true however you are looking at an unusual antelope species called the dick tech as a rule adult species weigh no more than six kilograms and the babies can easily fit in the palm of a person interestingly enough dick dicks live exclusively in couples and choose their companions for life the conception of a cub not from their partner is a very rare phenomenon that has barely ever been observed in nature the bond of the animals is so strong that usually if one of the pet dies its companion dies immediately after still believe that animals don't have feelings aardvark the first glance this animal looks like a bald anteater however it actually has nothing to do with those even though they feed on the same kind of insects and the aardvarks don't live in Central and South America as their presumed relatives do but rather in the African regions south of the Sahara Desert however the funny mammal combines several familiar features from different animals the snout makes it look a bit like a pig the ears like a hair and the tail like a kangaroo aardvark Cubs look even funnier than their parents though they usually weigh a couple of kilograms of birth and their teeth and claws are already well developed from the first day of their lives the latter by the way are vital so that because these animals are famous for their incredible abilities had quickly dick the ground in fifteen to thirty seconds an adult aardvark can dig a burrow about 60 centimeters deep this helps them to find food shelter from dangerous predators and arrange permanent homes by the way for the first two weeks of their lives the babies of this animal live exclusively in the shelter dug out by their parents and only then they begin to slowly explore the surface Bongo these majestic animals are not just listed in the red list bongo antelopes which inhabits Central Africa have been steadily exterminated for decades for a brief period people stopped hunting this animal local tribes believed that if they touched an antelope that immediately have an epileptic fit but in recent years this belief is only disappeared and this amazing animal faced extinction in Kenya which was originally one of the main habitats of this antelope there are only about a hundred and fifty of them left to preserve this animal people are trying to raise it in many reserves and zoos around the world the first half hour of the birth the bongo cubs usually lie on the ground and then carefully stand on their thin weak legs the small antelopes mostly grow very quickly in just three and a half months small horns already appear on their heads and in one and a half to two years they can already breed camel since childhood we kept hearing that camels have the humps on their backs because they store water in them this of course is not true these growths are nothing more than a source of thermostats the Saves camels from the heats and maintains their body temperature but this is still not their main function the humps still fats that feeds these animals during their long travels across the deserts if you leave a camel without food for a long time it noticed that his humps have decreased in size so baby camels up one without a hump - it begins to grow about a month or two up to birth newborns weigh from 35 to a hundred kilograms depending on the species and after a couple of hours they can walk freely with their mother curiously enough camels usually take care of their offspring for a very long time for example the babies feed exclusively on their mother's milk up to four months and then combine it with plant food and in some cases such a diet can continue for a year or even more after the Cubs brothers and sisters are already born zebra female zebras are probably one of the most protective mothers in nature the first days after the birth of the foal while it takes its first hesitant steps they don't allow even the father to approach the baby the foals feed on their mother's milk for a long time to 12 to 16 months by the way not so long ago anthropologists found that its composition is very similar to human milk there is a higher percentage of water and lactose than fat in it though the lasso makes up about 2% in the milk of both humans and zebras this discovery surprised scientists because usually the lipid content in the milk of other mammals is very high they attribute this phenomenon to the fact that zephyrus usually live in arid and hot regions of the earth that's why they young need a lots of water which they kept from their mothers ostrich did you know that the ostrich the world's largest bird weighing up to 160 kilograms lays the world's biggest eggs as well on average they weigh about a kilogram and a half like 25 chicken eggs interestingly enough the ostrich eggs are smaller than the bird itself by about 99% and their shells are incredibly strong this was intended by nature to protect the offspring when hatching both males and females do the latter in turns by the way so if an adult stands on an ostrich egg the chance of breaking air will be minimal just imagine how much strength it takes for chicks to hatch out ostrich babies weigh about a kilogram and their feathers are very different in color compared to the parents however the ostrich chicks become independent very quickly after a few days they leave the nest and go in search of food well by the time they're 1 and 1/2 years old they're considered completely grown-up and can set records for speedrunning it's known that ostriches can move at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour dude are you looking for new technologies and great gadgets are your thoughts focused on the future do you love huge vehicles and can't imagine your life without robots around you then visit tech zone and you'll find all this and more the link is in the description you interested great [Music] [Music]