Here’s What Newborn Animals Look Like
No doubt, some animals are simply adorable. So cute and fluffy, you just really want to pet them... well, or at least just admire them from the distance. But baby animals are even cuter - when you look at them, you might even experience cuteness overload, and some of them seem to defy all laws of nature... But first things first. Today, you’re going to see cute and charming baby animals.
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hi everyone no doubt some animals are simply adorable so cute and fluffy you just really want to pet them well or at least just admire them from a distance but baby animals are even cuter when you look at them you might even experience cuteness overload and some of them seem to defy all laws of nature but first things first today you're going to see some cute and charming baby animals let's get it on giant panda pandas are unique animals they belong to the bear family but are considered herbivorous because in most cases they prefer bamboo to any other food in the wild pandas live only in China these animals are regarded as one of these symbols of the country half of all panda births result in twins [Music] however it's very rare for both Cubs to survive as giant pandas almost always abandon a cub because they can't produce enough milk for both of them baby pandas are very tiny blind toothless and weigh from 90 to 430 grams for comparison an adult giant panda weighs from 70 to 125 kilograms of course many Cubs are born very small and weak but baby pandas are especially vulnerable some scientists believe the reason for that is hibernation pandas like other bears have learned to control their pregnancies that it doesn't overlap with the hibernation period however all bear cubs are born strong enough unlike baby pandas it is still unknown what the reason behind this drastic difference in sizes of course there are different theories but pandas are not very willing to breed in captivity and so it's quite difficult to study their newborn cubs turtle there are several species of sea turtles but they all have common features first they live in water and second they have a similar reproduction sequence sea turtles use beaches and the lower dunes to nest and lay their eggs typically they do it at nights and away from the tide line most females deposit eggs only once every three to four years yes turtles are very thoughtful about the breeding process one clutch may contain about a hundred eggs and the incubation period can last up to two months when it's over small turtles hatch from the eggs and immediately rush to the water alas not all of them survive some of the babies die along the way hunted by birds but even in the sea turtles can't feel safe scientists estimate that out of a thousand babies only half a dozen reach adulthood and can produce offspring the reason for that is predatory fish and human activity for example Turtles often get entangled in the nets of crab catchers and die giraffe the giraffes pregnancy lasts from four hundred to four hundred and sixty days after which one cub is usually born although in rare cases there may be twins during childbirth female giraffe is actually standing but a baby giraffe can't stand on its own yes no wonder few baby animals are born ready to behave like an adult however like many undulates giraffes grow up very quickly a few hours after birth the baby can not only stand but also run however during the first one to three weeks he spends most of his time in hiding during this time the passin on the skin gradually changes and the giraffe learns to blend in with the surrounding environment he still stays close to his mother as well as with other females and Cubs adult males play almost no role in raising the young giraffes although they are friendly to them koala just as pandas are one of the symbols of China koalas are one of the symbols of Australia these strange herbivores which look like a mix of a bear a wombat and some unknown plush toy from a supermarkets are popular all over the world however a few people know how koalas are born the gestation period of this animal lasts from 33 to 35 days after that one cub is born or rather a not yet fully developed Cup like all marsupials koalas are born underdeveloped and weigh only half a gram however their lips forelegs and shoulders are relatively well-developed and certain body systems already function a newborn koala climbs into her mother's pouch where it continues to grow baby kangaroos are born in a similar fashion when a baby koala is 26 weeks old it's already sticking its head out of the pouch and six to seven months after birth the little koala first gets out of the pouch at this moment that cub weighs from 300 to 500 grams when the baby is nine months old it's already riding on its mother's back climbing branches eating eucalyptus and looking incredibly cute sloths probably the weirdest animals in today's video are sloths nope seriously have you seen him they look like evolution gone wrong slow strange creatures that spend most of their lives hanging from trees upside down and they're completely fine with this depending on the species sloths pregnancy lasts from 6 to 12 months and by the end of its a single baby sloth is born that stays with the mother for the next five months sometimes baby sloths die from falling from a tree because their mothers don't come down to retrieve them we can't really blame them imagine how long it would say to travel down the trunk those sloths see managed to hang on learn everything from their mother for example the baby sloths lick the mothers lips to find out which food is edible again depending on the species it could be fruit insects small lizards and even carry on or just leaves anteater ant eaters are no doubt at the top of the weird animals list seriously they're basically tree climbing vacuum cleaners okay actually not all ant eaters climb trees giant anteaters whose size ranges from 182 to 217 centimeters prefer to stay on the ground they are really large animals that not every tree could hold the pregnancy of a female giant anteater lasts about a hundred and ninety days after which one pup is born like many other baby animals and teachers are born blind and open their eyes only a week later during the first month of their lives the pups feed on milk but gradually switch to solid food but not quite solid they start eating insects through all this time they ride on their mother's backs and their own color merges with that of the females in a coming way look a built in disguise at nine or ten months old the young ant eaters become completely independent and at two-and-a-half years old they're ready to reproduce themselves seahorse at the beginning of the video we said we'd be talking about cute animals but perhaps seahorses are not one of them sure they're very funny and unusual but you can't exactly pick them up and scratch them behind the ears to be honest we doubt they have ears that's all however baby seahorses definitely deserve your attention mostly because they're carried by the male's there's a special pouch on the belly or front facing side of the future daddy seahorses when mating the female seahorse deposits up to 1,500 eggs into it which the male carefully carries this can last from 9 to 45 days until fully developed seahorses emerge from its fully developed but quite tiny the birth process of these small seahorses is nothing like the usual childbirth the male's shoot their offspring opposite from a cannon and that's where their parental duties end the baby seahorses are then on their own they have to deal with predators ocean currents no wonder that less than half of a percent of seahorses survive until adulthood alpaca friendly slightly timid and very soft alpacas are often mistaken for llamas so if an alpaca like animal tries to spits a sore bite you it's not an alpaca you better step away the fact that our Packers are sometimes rented for wedding photo shoots proves out cute they truly are and what could be more charming than the most charming creature of course its cub the alpaca pregnancy lasts on average eleven and a half months resulting in the birth of one crea that is the name given to baby llamas alpacas and similar animals in about half an hour the baby alpacas can stand on their own and two weeks after giving birth the mother alpaca is receptive to breeding again at six months old the curia don't need their mother's milk anymore and become independent however like people each Hal Packer is quite unique salamander if you love reading fantasy books then when you hear salamander you probably think of a mythical lizard that can live in fire in reality of course things are a bit different salamanders are amphibians that look like lizards most of them have a rather boring appearance and it's unlikely that you'll pay any attention to a salamander if it runs somewhere nearby in the grass unlike many other animals on our planet salamanders can produce offspring both by laying eggs and life birth everything more or less depends on their species and let's say thank you to modern technologies you can monitor the entire process of a small salamander being formed you know all this cell division which you probably learned in school but have already carefully forgotten [Music] dude are you looking for new technologies and great gadgets are your thoughts focused on the future deal 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