STRONGEST Ever Video!!!
STRONGEST Ever Video!!!
Video Script::
these strongest men have the power number 10 mark Felix there is an awesome human being within every one of us many of us are too scared to free that person however out of fears of what others might think but not mark Felix he does not care one bit also known as the miracle mark was only a regular bodybuilder before turning his attention to professional strongman competitions in 2003 by that time Mark had already turned 37 but his age did not stop him from amassing wins as soon as he began competing Marc won an impressive 8th place at the World's Strongest Man competition in 2004 a mere two years later he came even closer to winning when he ended up at fourth but Felix had no intention to stop there in the following years he continuously performed at the highest level winning top places his latest huge achievement is the 2019 Hercules hold contest when he set a world record by holding about 700 pounds of pillars for an astonishing 87.5 2 seconds Marc's personal records included squatting 770 pounds and bench pressing 530 pounds his most impressive feat however is dead lifting 893 pounds without any wrist straps number 9 Terry Collins Terry Hollins is regarded as one of the greatest British strongmen of all time having won the title of Britain's Strongest Man and England's Strongest Man multiple times Holland's surprised with his size since the day he was born when he weighed 12 pounds and 14 ounces which is almost twice as much as the typical weight of an infant he started going to the gym when he was only 15 his original plan was not to build such huge muscles he merely wanted to keep fit for his rugby games however a few years later he a terrible leg infection and that's when he started seriously hitting the gym one year of exhausting workouts later he won first place in the UK Strongest Man competition and that made him a new star in the field of strength since then this brit has gone on to win multiple bronze silver and gold medals during numerous competitions and for his records terry is credited with deadlifting 990 pounds benching 440 pounds five times and log lifting 424 pounds those are some extremely impressive numbers number 8 Mark Henry American born Mark Henry probably has the coolest nickname on the list the silverback he is often described as the world's strongest man and he's famous for his stunning displays of strength these include bending steel rods and frying pans dead lifting cars and twisting spoons with his bare hands in addition his powerlifting records are unbelievable he can deadlift 900 pounds squat 950 pounds and benchpress 600 pounds oh we almost forgot to mention mark is also the only man ever to hold both the US weightlifting and powerlifting super heavyweight championship titles at the same time in addition to powerlifting he also dabbled in professional wrestling appearing in the WWE for over 20 years now retired it's been often said that there was a lot of untapped potential in mark which we never got to see because of his career choice so in theory at least Mark Henry might have been the strongest man in history number 7 Dimitra ecology okay almost everyone's idea of working out usually involves some sorts of machines or dumbbells that they can lift but Demetriou ecology is different this man nicknamed Devil's smithy can look at an everyday object and turn it into a workout in fact this man can carry a full-grown horse no kidding Dimitra lifts fully conscious horses on his back and takes a few steps all while the confused animals enjoy the ride he says this trick does not pose any real danger for him or the horse and the worst the friendly animal can do is cause ecology to lose his balance sending them both crashing down it's better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all he said in one of his interviews some of his other impressive feats include crazy stuff like letting trucks drive over him bending steel rods with his teeth and driving nails through wood with the palm of his hand now after achieving 63 Guinness World Records with his amazing feats of strength ecology is looking for another challenge something with even more difficulty number 6 Andy Bolton born on January 22nd 1970 in Dewsbury York Shire this english world champion powerlifter is widely known for his superhuman strength he's the first man in history to have dead lifted 1,000 pounds and holds the record for the fourth highest squat of all time at 1213 pounds moreover he is the current world powerlifting organization world record holder in the total at two thousand eight hundred and six pounds aside from his extensive training and he also owns his own sports mentorship company and is one of the select few strong men to ever achieve this while still actively competing number five Brian Shaw Brian Shaw is an American professional strongman competitor and winner of 2011 2013 2015 and 2016 World's Strongest Man competitions he's also the first man to win the Arnold strongman classic and the world's strongest man contest in the same calendar year Shaw started lifting weights at a young age and when he started seriously getting a 10 for his unusual strength and stature he began his career as a strongman and subsequently won the Denver strongest man contest in 2005 without any formal training just seven months later Shaw joined a professional league and his success continued the man can squat nine hundred and three pounds benchpress five hundred and twenty five pounds and deadlift one thousand and twenty five pounds with straps but that's not all when he is not at the gym actively training for his next contest or making everyone else insecure about their bodies he is hosting seminars and helping people unlock the secrets of being a real-life Superman number four vasu vid asked Hyuk on the Ukrainian powerlifting scene Vasil vid asked uke is one huge name it's hard to fit in information about all the phenomenal achievements of this hero as there's a lot to go through that a stuck is the first person to be proclaimed as the strongest man alive in both the world Strongest Man competition and the IFS a strongman World Championship winning in 2004 and 2007 he's also demonstrated some incredible feats of strength over the years most notably he easily handled eight hundred and eighty pound truck tires walked around with 440 pound weights in each hand and pulled five tram cars coupled together for a total mass of one hundred and 1.5 tons his unique talents and abilities have also landed him roles in Ukrainian movies he is now retired but his incredible legacy lives on number three Eddy Hall Eddy Hall is often regarded as the greatest British strongman of all time having won the title of Britain's Strongest Man for five consecutive years and UK's Strongest Man for 6 he also held the world record for the deadlift of 1102 pounds before eventually being surpassed by the current record holder but that's not all Eddy also won the title of the strongest man in the world in 2017 his other personal records include a squad of 893 pounds benchpress of 660 pounds and leg press of a single ton ten times that is just incredible strength it all began for Eddie when he was introduced to swimming and rugby eventually he turned his passion to bodybuilding and then to his first wins number two half Thor bjornsen this is half Thor Ullaeus bjornsen he might look familiar to you but before portraying the famous Gregor the mountain Clay gained from the game of Thrones series half Thor bjornsen was also busy racking up astonishing achievements in the world of strength as a child bjornsen was involved in many sports he played basketball football and even tried his hands in boxing while studying in college the athlete even played for the Icelandic junior basketball team and was rather successful but after a devastating ankle injury he decided to pursue a career in powerlifting he competed in the world's strongest man contest nine times came in first once second three times and third four times bjornsen has also been crowned the strongest man in Europe five times and the strongest man in Iceland a record-breaking nine times moreover bjornsen is a world champion in deadlifts with straps he can lift an unbelievable 1000 105 pounds he can also squat 970 pounds benchpress 551 pounds and has carried a 33 foot long 1430 pound log for 5 steps now for the number one strongest man in history but first if you like this video be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe for more great content and speak up in the comments section what's the most you've ever bench pressed if you can bench more than your own weight your already way stronger than most people in the world number one mariusz pudzianowski born in poland to a family of powerlifters mary ich pussy an au ski gets the top spot on this list because he held the Guinness world record for being the strongest man on the planet not once not twice but a record five times he has also been crowned the strongest man in Europe more than anyone in history and of course he is by far the strongest man in Poland his impressive feats include a squat of 840 pounds 915 pound deadlift and a 640 pound bench pudzianowski retired from the powerlifting scene in 2009 choosing to pursue a career in MMA fighting he debuted as a mixed martial arts fighter the same year and has gone on to become one of the most celebrated figures in the pro ranks really impressive stuff