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Car vs. World's Strongest Trampoline- Dropped from 150ft (44m)

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Added by Mel in Variety


Car vs. World's Strongest Trampoline- Dropped from 150ft (44m)






Video Script:: 

Gotha my gosh this is a car and this is a trampoline i designed specifically to be strong enough to try and bounce a car or i guess technically even about today we'll be conducting some experiments to see what happens when you drop all sorts of stuff on a steel trampoline weighing two tons with a mat made out of Kevlar being held by 144 garage door springs but understand how we even got to this point we need to go back six months ago when the guys from the how ridiculous youtube channel issued a challenge well you need to get someone to help us engineer just an epic trampoline that can dance like almost anything beak and I've got Marky roba online and what you need to know about them is that besides having funny accents they do all sorts of crazy things usually having to do with gravity in some form or another their content is always mind-blowing so you should subscribe to their channel if you somehow haven't already at any rate a lot of people seem to think this was a worldly challenge including myself and so I got together with my buddy Josh and first brainstormed ideas then we did some math then we designed it in CAD and ran it through a dynamic analysis and eventually settled on a design and sent the build plans to one of their buddies who lives near the tower and so a few months later all that was left to do was walk to Australia to meet the guys and check in on the build the mat is made from Kevlar which is the same stuff bulletproof vests are made of it's so tough the only thing that could cut it to the right shape was an angle grinder the garage door springs can support about 450 pounds of piece and we have 144 of them [Music] [Applause] and so after prepping at the shop we made our way to the tower to put it all together [Music] after seven hours by 1:00 a.m. it was all put together so after a very short night thrust and six months of planning the moment had finally arrived the plan was to do 10 drops total five for their channel and five for mine they started with the single bowling ball but not to be outdone and to stay true to the tradition of my channel [Music] I chose a single watermelon and I get a job right you're not the coach of you through this mr. oh we are going down here my also it turns out I don't really love Heights I don't know how you guys do this I'm just kidding the slo-mo of that would have looked sensational though to be honest Wow so next up for them was 20 bowling balls which was insane and you'll have to watch it on their Channel after this but naturally I had to answer in kind with 20 watermelons it's got Sacko Sacko melons right here we're talking 2020 knows about 400 pounds that's a lot so they have these tubes here for the kids to drop water balloons down to lighten up with a sandpit so I'm gonna try and film through it see what I can see and let me just say it's never cool to waste food so we ate a good portion of the carnage you're about to witness Plus food is never wasted on quality scientific data [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and just to give you a sense of scale of the monster we created here you can see us standing next to a normal trampoline and not only do we have twice as many Springs as trampoline but here's a clean comparison of the two sizes my primary design goal was to have the Tramp survive but I also didn't want to cheat and use the ground to dissipate any of the energy the mat had to come back up cleanly without touching anything below and now for the third drop out of five a sixty six pound Atlas stone versus a tramp full of water balloons [Music] just miss the friend that would have been a jarring noise [Music] [Music] [Music] we're happy with that ma Walter come on girl and while we struggle to hoist up my second-to-last drop of a yoga ball filled up completely with water I'll take this opportunity to say that my review of Australia was 5 out of 5 stars they have cooler signs they've got better snacks their moon is upside down and their ticks are worse but their snakes are smaller than advertised [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's not meant to bounce but a dig is so Evan [Music] [Music] [Music] I feel like we did really well good this time I had the balls the intestinal fortitude to like look over the edge and so finally after a bit of precautionary light weighting on the car the big moment had arrived have you decided you're doing the cow before but because it seems to be that's what's going on so in case you know the traffic's get busted at least I've got a dope video you gotta look out for number one you guys know that first of all this is a hundred kilograms heavier than we analyzed and it's like ten meters higher I could see it hitting flipping over and like impaling itself on the fence or like hitting flipping over and landing right up that's called that baby this is legitimately the most nervous I've ever been in ten years to make a video but before we drop the car I want to quickly explain why I was so stoked to receive this challenge usually for my builds I have an idea and a design and while there's always testing I'd never had the need to actually analyze something using a computer a lot of you guys know I worked for NASA for nine years but up until about six months ago I also worked at Apple for four years in their Special Projects group and in both cases what we did for this video is the best example of what I did on a daily basis as a mechanical engineer it's this loop of designing something in CAD and then analyzing it to see if it's good enough and then you test it to check your answers usually computers to analyze the design allows us to build much more complicated systems than before when computers weren't as powerful this giant ice block was from one of their drops and you could see how close our analyze prediction was to what happened in real life this means that we can be confident that trampoline would be strong enough before we even built it and this idea that we can understand and predict the world around us using math and equations is what first made me fall in level science when I took high school physics by doing that I can tell you will take exactly point eight three seconds for this egg to hit the ground there could be opposing philosophies and governments and opinions around the world and we'll never get agreement on who is most right but of all the scientists and engineers on the planet where to get together in hey out they'd all be friends and they'd be like yeah we solved it two and point eight three seconds is exactly what we also came up with and I find that to just kind of be simple and beautiful [Applause] [Music] gosh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's finished wheels down this how we flippin bounce the car oh yeah so tram that's the only bit of damage this is where it plastically deformed it won't go back to its original shape okay we got a few of those that did that through oh look at this we just bent this oh we can one-inch steel man car must have come down and hit right here on this spot we didn't want the car to hit the fence because that would be expensive to repair inches centimeters nay millimeters of clearance the perfect landing alright so you thought the car was crazy now we're doing a boat we're doing the boat I'm gonna end with the preview of their boat drop but before I do I need to tell you about how honey will change your life and I'm not talking about this kind of honey I'm talking about honey the free online shopping tool that magically finds the best promo codes and apply them to your car the way it works is you just show up on any website like Target or Best Buy and then when you check out this box drops down and all you have to do is click apply coupons and it scans every promo code on the internet and saves you a couple Hamiltons and of course it works on popular items like air pods or TVs but to prove just how much it could save you I put the most obscure item I could find in my cart click the apply coupons and save myself 16 bucks on this incredibly classy watermelon salad bowl which almost seems like it was made just for me and people freaking love it because it's cumulatively saved them over 2 billion dollars which is also why has basically 150,000 five-star views on the google chrome store and so now you're thinking alright how much is it it's free this is literally free money and if you go to join honey dot-com slash mark Rover it installs in two clicks I repeat join honey calm slash mark Rover or use the link of the video description so special thanks to honey for supporting this video and a special thanks to you for watching and now for the boat [Music]


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