Stray Puppy Wanders Into Stranger's Home in the Middle of Night |The Dodo
This stray puppy wandered into a Philadelphia family's home and life — just in time for Christmas.
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3:15 a injured malnourished dog limped into our house [Music] this morning at 4 a.m. my wife woke me up and said our baby's fine her one month old is fine but there was a puppy in our house so confused I get up I go downstairs there's puppy in her house the front door is locked the back door was locked windows are locked kind of this mystery puppy in our house how did this happen I checked security footage and it looks like me just being a tired dad with a one month old when I came in from walking the dog I closed the door and something didn't catch so at some point in a storm last night the wind blew the door open [Music] about 20 minutes later with all the terrible things that could happen in that situation a guy went by and actually yelled to make sure everything was okay and pulled the front door to our house close thank you to him the puppy was scared limping malnourished we brought the puppy in put it in a pen we called animal control first thing in the morning and they said you can come and surrender it and it kind of goes into the system our other option was to go to vet we went to the vet check there's no chip this dog is in such bad shape infected paws one tooth is pointing outwards it's causing swelling in her face mental scarring around whatever's gone on with her I wonder what happened to her to get her here [Music] we've decided to keep the dog she's nine years old and we're gonna give her a dignified life Jack and Joey and George and Susie here to give you a Suzie pup date we've had Susie for a week it was a week ago that she came into our lives today we've watched her gain weight and get healthier oh we got a fat we went on our first walk this week Suzie is becoming a part of the family very quickly and getting along with George they hang out they're getting closer to each other she's moving around a lot better with the antibiotics and the appointments that were treating her infected paused with she walks a lot more on four legs she even tried to jump over the back of the couch yesterday she's got a lot of spunk in her most importantly I want to thank Steve this is Steve he closed my door my family was exposed and he closed my door he trapped Suzy in the house I'm gonna buy this guy so many beers of all the bad things that could happen and when your front door is left open to end up with a sweet dog who just needs a good home I mean Wow and subscribe you

Lynne Henderson Added People helping people helping animals. That seems to me how the world should go round! Nice.