Smallest Pittie Puppy Ever Grows Up To Be Gorgeous Video| The Dodo Little But Fierce
Tiny runt pittie puppy grows up wrestling with her blind cat sister.
Video Script::
she was attitude sassy from the beginning [Music] was definitely the run she was the tiniest one in the group they were all raised together hi guys oh my goodness hello hello hi puppies we had no clue what breed they were so we didn't know how big or small they were gonna be she was the one that ran the whole group so she was always the boss but when she was about a week old one of the fosters called and said hey she's having trouble breathing i told her coming immediately because i work at an animal hospital and letty was diagnosed with aspiration pneumonia it was very intensive care when she was so sick i told her she could make it if she could keep fighting i promised her i would give her a home from that point on she just got better after a couple days she just started to perk up and i could see the life in her wanting to fight it was the week before thanksgiving and i was able to bring her home [Music] hey this is probably pity we really really wanted to make sure that we did as much as possible to train her to be such a good pup [Music] down when letty first met blind she had just had surgery on her eyes to remove them so we had to like okay ladies the line just went right up to her and there was no stopping them sometimes bloody will grab toys and put them in blind space for her to play as if she was a dog letty and lime have created their own language that they both only understand we'll find letty smacking her tail against the wall and that's like her calling line to come over because sure enough this line to take off running across the house where everybody is constantly i could get emotional because like there was so many things that lenny's gone through and she's not even three years old yet she's being so proper about it she loves everyone she's excited to see everyone always everyone in the neighborhood knows betty she is just the happiest you