This Tiny Pittie Puppy Bites Ears for Attention | The Dodo Little But Fierce
Rebel may have been born a third the size of her siblings, but that won’t stop her from becoming a tiny, adorable little brat.
Video Script::
Brad ball hey why are you being a brat she unseats everybody and somebody is sleeping she would go over and bite their ears or lick in their ears or just do something to wake them up so that way you know she's in the mood to play so now everybody has to play she's not afraid to assert herself Red Bull love did you just went to bed to yourself bad girl she's just some frat sometimes you can tell something was wrong we didn't really know the extent of it until a week into it she was tiny her leg was broken tail was broken she was just a wreck I honestly I didn't think she was gonna live when we first bottle-fed her every time she need in about five minutes you throw it all back up you figured out that she had make us off this after we eat have to stay in this position upright for about half an hour till they digested one of our water buckets not wanna be in a burrito [Music] I just gotta do it was that big she stopped this - how can she realized but I could make her feel better to appreciate the first two three weeks you know she could really have that much freedom to run around about three and a half to four weeks old she wanted to go and she wanted to move and go and play and she would watch her brothers do all of the stuff and she wanted to be in it I would sit there and help her little leg walk how it's supposed to walk she started to be able to walk on her leg gradually we gave her more and more space she's gotten more and more active every week we found out she's outgrown her Meg esophagus and now we all healthy and happy and now we realize me Babu the pimple is a big fat nut I like it when she shakes her a little bit she runs her household she's very independent showing out everything getting into trouble and we tell ago she's a very expressive dog she's angry she was just frustrated you can see with Chevy and then this lovely face she's super sweet and loving and she cuddles with us every night gives nose kisses like it's her job but she is definitely feisty hey rebel kid you not she's oh you're eating a paintbrush okay like comment and subscribe