Original Paint 1962 Corvette found in barn was stored in 1967
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Email ([email protected]) if you have a barn find or know of one. Or call me at 806-236-3681. We will feature you in the video and buy the car or pay a finder's fee if you don't own the car and just know where it is, etc.
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Be there for discovery of 1950's Corvettes in "Mayberry" country, near Mt. Airy, in Blue Ride Mountains - https://youtu.be/AmoLaxLWnLw
Reactions from people at this the '62 fuelie's first car show (including the '23 T-Bucket) at - https://youtu.be/Dng5M_yYxAk
Look & Enjoy, But Please Don't Touch My Dust
If you have a barn find (car or anything) please contact me at
[email protected]

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