Did Baby Boomers Have More Fun Growing Up? #Video
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Some think nostalgia for the 1950s and 1960s is overrated. And most generations feel like they were lucky to have grown up in the era they did. But, I would argue that Baby Boomers may have been the luckiest of them all. So let’s take a look back at why baby boomers were able to have more fun, then any other generation.

Edna Added It was the best of times. Our friends were willing to do almost anything even when they were a bit scared. So much available to do, ice skating, roller skating, hide and seek to this day I remember how fortunate it was for us kids to reminisce when we went to reunions. I feel blessed that I have those memories of the 50's and 60's
Ron Added OK Mel~~~Beiing born in the 40's I experienced ALL the FUN things depicted in this video and it brought back MANY memories also!! OH....in '69 I had been married for 4 years and had 2 children and my wife wouldn't let me go to Woodstock...LOL!
iotus2 Added We did have a lot of fun! And most of it was spent outdoors!
Noreen Added Absolutely wonderful time to grow up. Thank you Mel for wonderful memories. And, our Proms were awesome!!! We knew how to dress!!!!! Yeah!!! Even now in my old age!!!!!
sarah Added Loved this video. The 50's and 60's were the coolest times to live. I wouldn't change my growing up then for anything!
M Leybra Added Wow! Can't believe somebody here, Joan H, remembers the swing hanging from a tree branch, the work/chores we all had to do, the one room schoolhouse w/ an outhouse. The weekly trip to any store. U didn't happen to grow up on Shin Hollow Rd. in Port Jervis, NY, did u Joan?
Greg Added Yes, we had lots of freedom without our parents looking over our shoulders, one of the reasons there were no weird creeps out there. After doing our chores we left home and got home before the street lights went on, we were trusted.
Anne Added True True True How simple the world was then.
Nance Added Fun watching this video and brought back so many memories.
Bev Buffett Added This brought back so many wonderful - sometimes not so wonderful - memories. And the dime store chocolate!!! I wouldn't touch it today. I was outside all the time playing with neighborhood friends. The 60's were so laid back I feel sorry for the organized sports and everything else that's organized. We used our imagination to create something new.
Kathy Added We did lots of things both dangerous and not so much and we lived to talk about them.
Mary Jane Added We did have fun and I am always surprised more of us didn't permanently injure ourselves.
Merridy Added I loved it and remember it all very well ♥
Paul Added Love these older time videos !
Joan H Added The only thing I can say, is you really missed the more rural aspect of those years...the miles we put on bikes, the exploring woods, streams, and walking miles to visit a friend. The swing hanging from a tree branch, the work/chores that we all had to do. The giant snowy black and white TV that got 3 channels. The one room school houses, the outhouses. The weekly trip to any store. The simple life that was also pretty great. I want to go back, but then again I don't want to go back!!!
Rachel Added Nice!