Pets And Animals
This rat is no Einstein. But she can fetch like a dog. #Video
Added 675 Views / 0 LikesWoman brings home a rat and she starts to fetch like a dog
Rescued Owl Sends Everyone Into Tears After Seeing Her Rescuer #Video
Added 1,274 Views / 0 LikesOwls capture the human imagination as solitary, lunar creatures with next to little emotion behind their cold gaze. But nothing could be further from the truth. Like a grumpy husband, owls are just choosy about who they’ll show their emotional side
Singing Dunnock Video
Added 624 Views / 0 LikesSinging Dunnock (Prunella modularis) in Castricum, The Netherlands.
Special needs rescue dog is so sweet to his family #Video
Added 434 Views / 0 LikesLittle boy's amazing response to special needs dog
8 Animals That Were Born With Incredible Features
Added 1,067 Views / 0 LikesDo you think the artists who came up with the fantastic beasts of Newt Scamander have a crazy imagination? Well, they can never beat nature, because it creates animals so amazing one can hardly believe they are real. Of course, we are not talking about ni
Puppy Abandoned In A Tornado Is So Happy To Be Rescued #Video
Added 777 Views / 0 LikesPuppy abandoned during a tornado gets stuck in a cactus! His rescuers told us why he made them cry happy tears To adopt Pete, visit the Animal Pad's website:
Pet Peeves - Driving. Aaron's Animals
Added 1,363 Views / 0 LikesAaron's Animals - Pet Peeves. Starring Phil and Prince Michael
Neighbor's Cat Visits This Woman's House At 5am Every Single Day! #Video
Added 1,180 Views / 0 LikesNeighbor's cat figures out he gets attention when he sets off this woman's ring camera — so he does it 20 times a day
First hops & moonwalks! Sunflower Farm Creamery #Video
Added 524 Views / 0 LikesThe three goat kids born yesterday are not even a day old and they are already practicing their moonwalk and hops. It is amazing how after just a couple months you can forget how cute a newborn goat is. I couldn’t wait to get up this morning to go a
Lizard Gets Stuck In A Tin Can #Video
Added 628 Views / 0 LikesGuy finds a lizard stuck in a tin can. He uses a knife to safely get him out and makes sure he gets back to safety.
Tiny Kitten Runs Out Of Bushes To Her New Mom Video
Added 1,305 Views / 0 LikesThis tiny little kitten, Charm, stumbled out of the bushes and kept folowing this woman around. Watch her decide she's never leaving her new mom's side and start attacking her new siblings!
Rescue Horse Insists On Pool Parties For The Sweetest Reason #Video
Added 304 Views / 0 LikesWatch him smile ear to ear when he's playing in the pool
Cat With Fangs Might Actually Be A Vampire | The Dodo
Added 722 Views / 0 LikesYou can keep up with Vladimir the Vampire Kitty on Instagram, vladimirvampurr:
Senior Dog Prefers Dad's Girlfriend Over Him #Video
Added 644 Views / 0 LikesSenior dog prefers his dad's girlfriend over him — so we got them a gift to turn her into the ultimate dog mom
Baby Elephants First Water Trip | The Long Walk Home | BBC Earth
Added 1,306 Views / 0 LikesTraversing the elephant highways of the Kalahari Desert is thirsty work, especially for this hour-old elephant calf on his first ever trip to water. Thousands upon thousands of elephants struggle through a dust-laden, apocalyptic landscape. Whirlwinds of
Dog Was Too Scared To Let Anyone Touch Him For Weeks #Video
Added 895 Views / 0 LikesStray dog used a piece of wood for a pillow and wouldn't let anyone touch him — watch him jump and give kisses now