Pets And Animals
The toughest decision for a dog to make #Video
Added 1,173 Views / 0 LikesThe toughest decision for a dog to make #Video
Guy Finds 2 Abandoned Puppies On His Porch #Video
Added 712 Views / 0 LikesGuy finds 2 abandoned puppies, but only manages to rescue one, then a few days later he couldn't believe who came back!
Morning talks with DixieDo fox and HELLO kitties #Video
Added 580 Views / 0 LikesMorning talks with DixieDo fox and HELLO kitties #Video
Little Boy Reads Books To The Cat His Family Rescued. Video.
Added 796 Views / 0 LikesRescued cat starts purring whenever his brother reads to him ????
We Found A Box With Something Moving Inside #Video
Added 775 Views / 0 LikesTheir slow waddles back into the lake are everything
Heroes Risk Their Lives To Save Man’s Best Friend
Added 1,175 Views / 0 LikesToday we’ll be shining a spotlight on the inspiring men and women who stop at nothing to help animals in need. There are good people everywhere!
Ferret Keeps Stealing Her Family's Stuff #Video
Added 1,042 Views / 0 LikesFerret keeps stealing her family's stuff! We talked to her mom about the moment she found out what the ferret was doing with everything
Boaters Head Out In Storm To Save A Drowning Fawn
Added 1,033 Views / 0 LikesBoaters Head Out In Storm To Save A Drowning Fawn | These people saw a fawn struggling to swim during a storm and jumped in their boat!
Baby Elephant Wan Mai & Bai Toey And Their Life After 2 Families Joined - ElephantNews #Video
Added 433 Views / 0 LikesAn elephant's natural life is to live in a herd, with all of the complex social and political mores intact and adhered to by all. The captive elephant has no recollection of this life, other than when bearing children into this world and being preferred t
Best of June | Pets Translated #Video
Added 581 Views / 0 LikesThe Pets Translated Council has decided these clips were the very best June had to offer!
Piano woogie boogie massages for meow #Video
Added 1,494 Views / 0 LikesPiano woogie boogie massages for meow #Video
Woman Gives 'Miracle' Cat A Second Chance At Life #Video
Added 756 Views / 0 LikesThis cat was hiding a big secret
Cute Baby Goats Jumping – Goat Cute Videos – Funny Goats Video
Added 3,088 Views / 0 LikesVicky kisses a baby goat, goats lick us as we feed them, cute baby goats jump on cows, horses, pigs and llamas! No cats or kittens here, just baby goats. Baby goats are so awesome! Watch them play with kittens and puppies. Don't miss this funny goats and
'Aggressive' blind dog turns to mush when he's adopted #Video
Added 818 Views / 0 Likes'Aggressive' blind dog turns to mush when he's adopted
This Dog Is So Nervous Because She Is Protecting Something So Special! | The Dodo Pittie Nation
Added 1,171 Views / 0 LikesRescuers don’t know why this dog is anxious, then they find out she is worried about her puppies. She is the best mom!