Pets And Animals
Watch and enjoy this newborn little filly. Klaske is only 1 day old.
Added 755 Views / 0 LikesWatch and enjoy this newborn little filly. Klaske is only 1 day old. Look what a beautiful head she has. And those long legs!! Born May 15, 2019, made this video May 16, 2019.
Four Tiny Foster Kittens Heal Woman’s Broken Heart #Video
Added 781 Views / 0 LikesWoman with a broken heart decides to foster 4 tiny kittens
Rescue Dog Brothers Instantly Recognise Each Other After A Year Apart #Video
Added 8,709 Views / 0 LikesKeiko and Niko are pit bull brothers. They were separated at dog shelter, because the family could adopt only one dog. However, in a year, first, miraculously they ended up in the same family. And the recognized each other the moment their eyes met.
Stray Twin Cats Run Towards Me in the Yard #Video
Added 643 Views / 0 LikesStray Twin Cats Run Towards Me in the Yard #Video
Golden Retriever and Cats Snuggled Up In Bed Video
Added 807 Views / 0 LikesCute snuggly session
Puppies and Baby Chimpanzees Make The Cutest Friends | BBC Earth
Added 1,250 Views / 0 LikesBaby chimps and puppies... need we say more?!
Tibet 4K - Scenic Relaxation Film With Calming Music #Video
Added 315 Views / 0 LikesTibet is one of the most beautiful and intriguing regions in the world! Enjoy this 4K Scenic Relaxation film featuring the mesmerizing landscapes of Tibet. From the world's tallest mountains, to the vast Tibetan Plateau, Tibet's scenery and culture is wai
Pulling out weeds in rams territory is a dangerous game
Added 803 Views / 0 LikesI had to get rid of some Foxglove plants in Dodge and Thunders territory as they're poisonous for sheep and slow the grass growth. The Rams started getting feisty after 20 minutes so I had to bail out.
Foster Pittie Who Hid For Weeks Plays So Hard Now #Video
Added 487 Views / 0 LikesThis foster pittie hid from everyone — look what she does now!
Cat Was Bored In City Until Girl Took Him Hiking #Video
Added 605 Views / 0 LikesAries was found strolling alone in a forest. A girl was passing by and decided to adopt the beautiful black kitty. The two really bonded and went places. Now Aries is going on trips and hikes with his mom all over the country.
Husky Meets New Puppy For The First Time! #Video
Added 666 Views / 0 LikesHusky Meets New Puppy For The First Time! Key met Charlie, he looks a lot like Ivy, being full spaniel, he's still a puppy and just as crazy!
Rescue Dog Gets An Unusual Friend And The Happiest Life Ever!
Added 953 Views / 0 LikesRescue Dog Gets An Unusual Friend And The Happiest Life Ever! Emma was rescued by Howl Of A Dog from a city pound where she was found in extremely bad shape: emaciated, suffering from mange, blind in one eye and struggling to walk due to an old injury in
Sad reason why dog lost his home #Video
Added 387 Views / 0 LikesSad reason why dog lost his home #Video
Dachshund Takes Job of Walking Horse Very Seriously
Added 746 Views / 0 LikesDachshund Takes Job of Walking Horse Very Seriously
Secret Agent Cat Must Steal The World's Cheese | It's Me! | Dodo Kids #Video
Added 468 Views / 0 LikesPonderosa the cat is the greatest cheese thief in the whole entire world. But lately, he keeps getting caught... What could be going on here? He might need to do some secret agent training! Hopefully he doesn't fall into a cheese trance while he's at it..