Pets And Animals
03:12 Popular
Funny Bulldog Videos | Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day
Added 917 Views / 0 LikesBulldogs are so funny and beautiful that they get their very own holiday today, Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day! Enjoy this funny bulldog compilation filled with all your favorite bulldog videos! The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most enter
The Best Entries Into The Comedy Wildlife Photography #Video
Added 14.4k Views / 0 LikesFrom a brown bear playing peekaboo, a squirrel caught in the act to an astonished lemur, these are just a few of the great images you will see in today's video. Enjoy!
Family brings home a blind cat. And he keeps surprise attacking everyone. #Video
Added 811 Views / 0 LikesFamily brings home a blind cat. And he keeps surprise attacking everyone. #Video
Becorns Episode 1: Bluebirds #Video
Added 13.5k Views / 0 LikesBecorns are a nature craft project elevated to Fine Art. Today Davud shows how he makes acorn people and photograph them with a family of Eastern Bluebirds. This is next level DIY acorn crafts, the ultimate fairy garden inspiration. Learn more and buy art
Thirsty Wild Blue Gold Macaws Drinking Water Video
Added 558 Views / 0 LikesThirsty Wild Blue and yellow Macaws drinking water in this video, you can see a Thirsty wild macaw comes from wild to drink water, they come here
The Most Interesting Dog in the World
Added 2,160 Views / 0 LikesI don't know why we decided to do this, but we did - presenting our #DosEquis commercial re-creation for the 'most interesting man in the world', but this time as, 'the most interesting #dog in the world' - Crusoe, the #dachshund that is! Crusoe, as a dis
Watch Him Transform Into The Most Gorgeous Husky #Video
Added 378 Views / 0 LikesWatch this sweet boy transform into the fluffiest, most gorgeous husky
Look At This Majestic Snout | The Dodo
Added 847 Views / 0 LikesLook At This Majestic Snout | New favorite animal 11/10
On the Trail of Pine Martens | Discover Wildlife | Robert E Fuller #Video
Added 437 Views / 0 LikesPine martens are elusive and difficult to watch in the wild, so when I track down an adorable pine marten family in Scotland's Ardnamurchan peninsula I get a rare glimpse into their secret, wild lives.
Dog Who Was Feral Her Whole Life Finally Goes For Her First Walk #Video
Added 787 Views / 0 LikesWatch this feral, pregnant dog become a nap buddy for her human siblings
Senior Shelter Dog Starts Galloping Like A Puppy #Video
Added 698 Views / 0 LikesGuy picks up a confused 16-year-old dog from the shelter so he doesn't die alone — months later he's galloping around the yard after his foster dad
The AMERICAN ROBIN -A Harbinger of SPRING Video
Added 516 Views / 0 LikesThe American Robin is one of our most familiar and beloved birds so much so that it is the state bird of three states, Connecticut, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Many people consider American Robins as harbingers of Spring, but actually many American Robins sp
Goat Pajama Time at Sunflower Farm!
Added 756 Views / 0 LikesIt is cold and dreamy here in Maine, so we figured a little goat pajama time might be the perfect way to cozy things up. I just love how goats can fill an afternoon playing with a step or a box. Simple pleasures worth exploring! And when that gets old, th
VaNa's Journey to Friendship and Healing at Elephant Nature Park - ElephantNews
Added 227 Views / 0 LikesVana, a female elephant, endured repeated forced breeding. During one such ordeal, a bull attacked and broke her leg. The stress from her pregnancy and the injuries prevented the delivery of her calf, necessitating surgery to remove the stillborn baby. Un
This Kid's Goal Is To Get Every Single Shelter Dog in the U.S. Adopted | The Dodo Heroes Season 2
Added 888 Views / 0 LikesThis kid's happiest when he's rescuing shelter dogs.
Baby Animals 4K (60FPS) - Explore The World Of Small Baby Animals With Relaxing Music #Video
Added 383 Views / 0 LikesI want to bring you the best footage of the animal world that I have recorded in my journeys to explore the natural world on Earth.The combination of wildlife footage and music helps our bodies become more relaxed, indirectly improving quality of life and