Pets And Animals
Porcupines Give You 30,000 Reasons to Back Off
Added 10.1k Views / 0 LikesPorcupines may be adorable, but their quills are razor-sharp, designed to impale and next to impossible to remove. But it's not all bad news. Researchers are designing new surgical staples that mimic the quill's shape to better close wounds and promote he
Do You Know This Animal? #Video
Added 861 Views / 0 LikesPangolins are so important to ecosystems in Africa and Asia. Here are 5 amazing facts about them and the amazing work being done to save them.
Chiropractor Works On Wild Lion #Video
Added 798 Views / 0 LikesDr. Joren Whitley is an animal chiropractor. He works on pretty much every animal. Through his chiropractic work he has helped many paralyzed dogs walk. He recently got asked to work on wild animals in South Africa, including realigning the backs of giraf
Fox With Head Stuck In Box Gets Help Just In Time #Video
Added 885 Views / 0 LikesThis guy chased down a fox he found with a milk carton stuck on his head in the nick of time.
Trash Panda Party | Best Pets of the Week
Added 721 Views / 0 LikesFrom a dog and dolphin encounter to an artistic feline and even a raccoon dumpster party...Enjoy the Best Pets of the Week!
Pretty Stray Cat Gives Birth Under A Guy's Bed | The Dodo Soulmates
Added 2,237 Views / 0 LikesThis stray cat sneaks into a guy's house, then gives birth under his bed. It changes his whole life!
Goats are serious about breakfast! #Video
Added 329 Views / 0 LikesIt is always such a relief once all the goats are fed and content! We work fast in the morning to get everyone breakfast and out to pasture!!
The Blind Dog We Failed To See #Video
Added 7,589 Views / 0 LikesI loved him. I still do. I always loved him and always will. He was one of "those" dogs for me, and his adoption was a great relief. Oscar was rescue by Save a Greek Stray: am Valia Orfanidou, follow
A dog you didn't know existed | Beauceron #Video
Corgi husky mix suffers from Napoleon complex #Video
Added 766 Views / 0 LikesCorgi husky mix suffers from Napoleon complex #Video
Stray Cat Brings Her Kittens To A Family Who Gave Her Food #Video
Added 665 Views / 0 LikesStray Cat Brings Her Kittens To A Family Who Gave Her Food A shy, black stray cat came to the house and helped herself to some food and then left. A while later she came back, and she’d brought along her four little kittens. ---
A Dancing Pony Who wants a diamond Ring
Added 699 Views / 0 LikesYes this is Shadow a mini who also loves music but also loves diamond rings. Hope you enjoy this little clip of Christopher Ameruoso and Dr. Rachael 'The Rebel Vet' performing for Sahdow.
When the Baby Gets Another Cage - Layla The Boxer #Video
Added 961 Views / 0 LikesLayla and Luna aren’t a fan of Dakota having a crib, so they take matters into their own paws
Why These Brothers Rescue Cats From Trees
Added 887 Views / 0 LikesShaun Sears and Tom Otto are certified tree climbers from Seattle. So far, they have rescued over 3,000 cats from trees, climbing as high as 175 feet.
I left my camera in the forest and this is what happened... #Video
Added 1,231 Views / 0 LikesI left my camera in the forest and this is what happened... #Video