Pets And Animals
Woman Rescues A 'Zorse' From Illegal Auction #Video
Added 310 Views / 0 LikesHe's just a big baby who loves getting his ears scratched
Raccoon Recon Mission
Added 571 Views / 0 LikesCurious Raccoon makes a daytime Recon mission to all the usual places looking for any food-like substances using strategic holes in the Backyard fence.
Insane AUCTION buy!! Skeletor gets a new TOY! - The Clever Cowgirl #Video
Added 1,102 Views / 0 LikesI've been trying to find an additional therapy to add to Skeletor's rehab program. I can not believe I was able to buy one of these at auction! This was an AMAZING deal!
Pet Toys
Added 941 Views / 0 LikesWe are celebrating pet toys that you can squeak, bounce, fly, rock and roll. What is your pet's favorite toy?! Pet toys at {no longer available} null/2IxMEI
Sacrifices and Kidnaps. Dark Donkeys of Chaos #Video
Added 374 Views / 0 LikesIf this video makes you smile, please consider supporting the sanctuary at or or
Bear cub decides to destroy trail camera... #Video
Added 626 Views / 0 LikesThis bear cub was being a little twerp…he was even driving his mom nuts! Once she laid down the law, the little punk, who was clearly distraught from his mother’s reprimand, decided it was time to let out his pent-up frustration on our camera
Deer Brings Her Babies To Meet Her Dog Best Friend Every Spring! #Video
Added 21.1k Views / 0 LikesGolden retriever's been best friends with this deer for 11 years — watch them grow up together
How My Husky Tells Me He’s Hungry in English! Video.
Added 917 Views / 0 LikesHow My Husky Tells Me He’s Hungry in English! Key and Sherpa making it very clear their belly's were empty and needed filling NOW!
Polite street cat is so sweet to his rescuer #Video
Added 347 Views / 0 LikesShy street cat melts heart with his meow
Simon's Cat. BAT CAT - Halloween Special!
Added 918 Views / 0 LikesWatch our Halloween Special Bat Cat and share your stories of any time your cat has protected you against any creepy critters?
He was a BRONC! ~ Auction horse transformation ~ What a change!
Added 1,296 Views / 0 LikesMany difficult horses bounce around from auction to auction. They are labeled Outlaws, Broncs, Counterfeits.But can they be saved? I think so! This is Little Gus's Story
Funny Dogs Scared of Pineapples - Funny Dog Videos (2018)
Added 1,019 Views / 0 LikesWatch these funny dogs react to pineapples. Hilarious dogs and cute puppies reacting and running away from pineapples. Who knew a dog could be so scared of a fruit!
Walking skeleton turns into the most beautiful husky #Video
Added 12.4k Views / 0 LikesThis Husky was skin and bones when his owner surrendered him to a vet... look at him now!
Foxes frolic around their pond #Video
Added 454 Views / 0 LikesFoxes frolic around their pond #Video
I Let My Dog Take a Mud Bath #Video
Added 666 Views / 0 LikesOur backyard is under construction. It rained and turned into a floody mud bath. I let Tucker have the time of his life in the muddy disaster. This will never happen again! HAHA
My Husky HATES My Mum Having a Mobile Phone! Video.
Added 1,001 Views / 0 LikesMy Husky HATES My Mum Having a Mobile Phone! So Key has a weird aversion to my mum having a mobile phone, he doesn't even like her having it in her hand, we have no idea why. It was my old phone, which he was fine with when I had it, he's perfectly happy