Pets And Animals
Baby deer has no other choice than to trust the kindness of a stranger #Video
Added 527 Views / 0 LikesBaby deer has no other choice than to trust the kindness of a stranger #Video
Baby deer swims right into rescuer's arms #Video
Added 635 Views / 0 LikesBaby deer swims right into rescuer's arms #Video
Baby deer swims to man for help during hurricane #Video
Added 1,288 Views / 0 LikesMan saves baby deer during Hurricane Ida
Baby Donkey Loves Snuggling On Couch With Dad #Video
Added 854 Views / 0 LikesBaby Donkey Loves Snuggling On Couch With Dad #Video
Baby Donkey Loves To Kick Her Dad When She Wants Attention #Video
Added 585 Views / 0 LikesBaby donkey kicks her dad when she wants attention, but he can't help covering her in kisses every day
Baby donkey making us laugh at 1 day old! #Video
Added 1,897 Views / 0 LikesChenoa, our new little Jenny donkey, is wanting mum Lucy to play. Lucy is trying hard to be patient, whilst eating some fresh green grass. Watch how little Miss Cheeky gets put back in her place! So clever, at just 1 day old!
Baby donkey seems convinced this man's her mommy #Video
Added 635 Views / 0 LikesBaby donkey seems convinced this man's her mommy #Video
Baby Duck Thinks This Woman is Her Mom #Video
Added 725 Views / 0 LikesBaby duck follows this woman around all day — until she brings her a big surprise
Baby Ducks Spoon While They Sleep #Video
Added 797 Views / 0 LikesBaby ducks spoon with their little beaks touching while they sleep
Baby Elephant 'Lek Lek' Experience With Ball For The First Time – ElephantNews #Video
Added 552 Views / 0 LikesBaby elephant LekLek receives a small ball for the first time, and it quickly becomes apparent that she is going to be a rising star, playing ball for Team Elephant Nature Park. This little girl is quite determined to learn how to control the ball well an
Baby Elephant 'LekLek' and Her Happiness With Mother 'Moh Loh' In Sanctuary - ElephantNews #Video
Added 367 Views / 0 LikesWitness the heartwarming journey of baby elephant Lek Lek as she navigates the world of socializing with her fellow elephants at Elephant Nature Park. Despite her young age, Lek Lek emanates confidence, warmly embraced by every elephant she befriends. Thi
Baby Elephant 'LekLek' Enjoys Playing and Running On Sunshine Day - ElephantNews #Video
Added 431 Views / 0 LikesWhat a beautiful child ! LekLek is enthralled with her mudpit, and explores it's slippery soil with such a zest for living. Mother MoLoh, on the sidelines, is eating her corn stalks, glancing occasionally toward her frisky little imp. MoLoh is becoming he
Baby Elephant Adventure Into The Plantation - ElephantNews #Video
Added 596 Views / 0 LikesWan Mai is such a gorgeous baby elephant and grown up with happiness, she very enjoys every moment while living freely. Watch how happy when she runs to play around at Elephant Nature Park. This is the reason why we need to plant more trees. Learn More: h
Baby Elephant Always Love The Toy - ElephantNews #Video
Added 839 Views / 0 LikesEach baby elephant deserve to play. They have their own wills and such a nice animals. Watch baby elephant Wan Mai enjoy every minute at Elephant Nature Park.