Pets And Animals
NEW Cats and Dogs Videos 2024 #Video
Added 384 Views / 0 LikesNEW Cats and Dogs Videos 2024 #Video
Late winter and early spring 2019 in our Wood Stork sanctuary
Added 628 Views / 0 LikesEvery February I keep looking for the first Wood Stork scouts to return to our swamp where they’ll soon begin gathering the many sticks they’ll need to build their sturdy nests. I recognize the first birds back each year – like old frien
Watch Her Become A Brand-New Cat #Video
Added 583 Views / 0 LikesMost magical transformation ever Follow Cats of San Bernardino
Baby Elephant And Parents Make A Happy Noise While In The River - ElephantNews #Video
Added 558 Views / 0 LikesCrank the volume and enjoy the shouts of joy from Pyi Mai, Chaba and their parents splashing and rolling around and so full of excitement. It’s such a beautiful moment to witness their complete abandon. The River is life-giving. All captive elephant
Senior chihuahua was sad and obese. So this woman adopted him. #Video
Added 707 Views / 0 LikesSenior chihuahua was sad and obese. So this woman adopted him. #Video
Brazil's Festive Coquette Featuring Rare Footage of a Hummingbird Fight #Video
Added 670 Views / 0 LikesWe are currently traveling in Brazil to find beautiful hummingbirds to photograph. A few days ago we again encountered the Festive Coquette and got incredible footage of a fight between two males. My name is Carole Turek and I am on a quest to photograph
Best Pets of the Month (April 2020) | The Pet Collective
Added 902 Views / 0 LikesFrom a colorful chameleon to pet parents dealing with quarantine...enjoy the Best Pets of the Month!
When the water levels are high, excitement runs higher - ElephantNews #Video
Added 265 Views / 0 LikesThese girls are called the Chorus Girls because of their expressive trumpeting, roars and bellows. Their names are HomNuan, AungKham, and RattanaKham, often seen with their other close friends, Tangmo and Rumroi. Their lively music brings joy to everyone.
The Death-Defying Climb for Honey
Added 1,005 Views / 0 LikesTwice a year, about 80 miles outside Kathmandu, Nepal, villagers from Bhujung embark on a centuries-old quest. Enduring bee stings and hanging from handmade rope ladders, Madan Singh Gurung and his fellow honey hunters defy death to gather precious liquid
Rescued duck falls in love with family's bulldog #Video
Added 434 Views / 0 LikesFamily rescues duckling and it chooses to stay
Dog Friends with Ducks? Watch Junie's Story #Video
Added 599 Views / 0 LikesWhen G-bro started diving for rocks Junie became fascinated by it and hasn’t stopped since. Now she spends her days swimming with ducks, diving for rocks and hiking her favourite trails with her mom and animal siblings.
Robotic Spy Jaguar Cub & Spy Caiman Get A Bit Too Close For Comfort! #Video
Added 676 Views / 0 LikesDuring the dry season life gathers in spectacular abundance around the few pools left in the Pantanal, Brazil...The world's largest tropical wetland! Spy Jaguar Cub and Spy Caiman get up close & personal to the thousands of caiman that congregate to f
Baby Magpie Falls In Love With His Rescuer's Cat | The Dodo Soulmates
Added 905 Views / 0 LikesThis guy rescued a baby magpie he found on the side of the road and watched him learn how to fly.
Tomcat Takes A Year To Finally Come Inside Woman's House #Video
Added 373 Views / 0 LikesStray tomcat takes a full year to finally come inside this woman's house — and once he does, he never wants to leave
07:44 Popular
The Story of These Miracle Puppies Will Make Your Day
Added 842 Views / 0 LikesA woman and her daughter bring in their pregnant Rottweiler who is struggling to give birth to two more puppies. Dr. Blue and his team jump into action to save this brave mama and her pups. Stream Full Episodes Now: