Pets And Animals
I shouldn't show you this! #Video
Added 909 Views / 0 LikesI shouldn't show you this! #Video
Tips and Tricks for Birding Beginners Video | Birding 101 with Sheridan Alford
Added 579 Views / 0 LikesBirds can be difficult to study considering the same ones aren't in the same spot every day. Learn tips and tricks to help you to bird like a pro with Sheridan Alford, co-founder of Black Birders Week. Video Script:: - I'm Sheridan Alfordand this is B
Baby Elephant And Mom Are Stuck In A Well Full Of Water #Video
Added 335 Views / 0 LikesWatch this crazy rescue of a mama elephant and her baby
07:47 Popular
Ponso The 'World's Loneliest Chimp' Befriends Chimp Expert Estelle Raballand | Dodo Heroes
Added 954 Views / 0 LikesPonso lives alone on an island in the Ivory Coast and has been dubbed the loneliest chimp in the world. In 2015, chimp expert Estelle Raballand met Ponso and the two of them now share an incredible bond. Estelle's ultimate goal is to set up a chimpanzee s
Goats venture out into first snowy morning! #Video
Added 379 Views / 0 LikesIt looks quiet and cozy on the farm when it is a snowy winter day, but all kinds of things are happening beneath the surface. We have begun breeding and expect that up to 15 goats could already be bred, we’ll find out when we do ultrasounds the firs
Dog Breaks Into Girl’s Zoom Meetings And Sits Like A Human #Video
Added 743 Views / 0 LikesIf you're watching Lady's story, prepare to have a fantastic day! It simply can't go wrong when you see this velcro puppy. Kaylee met Lady at a doggy daycare. Her previous owner passed away, so the dog was looking for a new family. She was nervous at firs
Mama wolf calls pups out of the den #Video
Added 720 Views / 0 LikesWolf mommies—the terminology used by the most sophisticated biologists—call their pups out of the den with a whimper or whine. You can hear it in this video and see how the pups react. Often, they call the pups out to feed and interact with th
Fully Grown Elephants Enjoying Ball - ElephantNews #Video
Added 559 Views / 0 LikesEven though these elephants are fully grown but they still want to play. After decade of service human, these elephant were rescued to Elephant Nature Park. Enjoy watching the majestic creature having fun and living freely for the rest of their life.Learn
BIZARRE Prehistoric Creatures Video
Added 815 Views / 0 LikesBIZARRE Prehistoric Creatures Video Video Script:: here are the most bizarre creatures from hundreds of millions of years ago number 12. opinia one thing is for sure this guy is certainly weird he was kicking around before we humans even started to ev
Dog loves to give kisses. But there's one problem. #Video
Added 356 Views / 0 LikesDog loves to give kisses. But there's one problem. #Video
11:50 Popular
Added 845 Views / 0 LikesTechZone ► Scientists are quite peculiar people who sometimes do... well, let's say, strange experiments. For example, they create new races of animals, crossing various inhabitants of our planet. And believe us, the results of their
Baby Animals 4K (60FPS) - Roaming Through The Lively Adventures Of Young Animals With Relaxing Music
Added 370 Views / 0 LikesI want to bring you the best footage of the animal world that I have recorded in my journeys to explore the natural world on Earth.
Dog Wanted Puppies But Got Piglets Instead #Video
Added 560 Views / 0 LikesWill and Lydia always wanted a pig, and one day Will surprised her with 3 piglets. They have an old dog called Gem who always wanted puppies, but ended up adopting 3 little pigs instead. Gem has become super protective over them and loves them like his ow
Wolf pack saunters through a winter wonderland #Video
Added 551 Views / 0 LikesA wonderful video of the Cranberry Bay Pack walking through a winter wonderland about 2 weeks ago when a snowstorm dropped ~12 inches of heavy wet snow across Voyageurs. The video is particularly wonderful because it is yet another pack count of 6 wolves
Woman adopts blind dog. Things don't go exactly as expected. #Video
Added 835 Views / 0 LikesWoman adopts blind dog. Things don't go exactly as expected.
AWW Animals SOO Cute! Cute baby animals Videos Compilation cute moment of the animals #1
Added 750 Views / 0 LikesAWW Animals SOO Cute! Cute baby animals Videos Compilation cute moment of the animals #1