The adoption form says "cat" but I'm not so sure.
And to all who are worried about his panting after lots of play, he's fine. Every cat I've ever had has panted as a kitten after lots of play, and they were all fine. Shorty panted when she was a kitten after playing and she's fine. If they're panting when they're not playing, then yes, that's definitely a concern and should be seen by a vet.

BA Added What a dream cat! Thanks Mel
Barbara Added Cats are extremely smalt! we've had lots of cats over the years and they never cease to amaze me
Carol Segal Added Proof of how good a cat can be!
mimi Added he's a CAT!
Mary Jane Added This is really cute, but my cats do a lot of those things, I think it is quite common with them. This one was a very good boy though!
[email protected] Added I WISH MY CAT WOULD DO HALF OF THIS, SO CUTE
Randy Ferguson Added I never had a cat. I've always had dogs, but this cat looks like a dog to me.
Bob Bowers Added Perfect
Darnell Added Cats usually do all that.
Vicki Added The Siamese cat I had years ago walked on a lead, retrieved, rode in my convertible with the top off,sitting in the passenger seat, LOVED to go for car rides, and would sneak in the car if I wasn't looking or come running to get in the car if I called him. One day, he actually got in the car and I didn't know he was there until I got to work and started to get out and heard "meow!!"