Pets And Animals
Web Cam On A Beaver Dam: Summer to Fall #Video
Added 9,899 Views / 0 LikesOur trail camera placed on a beaver dam deep in the remote wilderness of the Kabetogama Peninsula in Voyageurs National Park captured the wildlife and natural beauty that truly make Voyageurs a spectacular place and a national treasure (…and a hidd
It's Amazing! Everyone Come To Fix The Dog's Leg. #Video
Added 9,894 Views / 0 LikesA bronze like image of a man sitting on a park bench, his little bronze dog at his feet... the little dogs leg has somehow broken off. Watch these people's reactions as they attempt to fix the poor dogs leg.
Police Dogs Star In Hilarious Thanksgiving Sketch
Added 9,877 Views / 0 LikesThese Placer County police dogs are wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving with this hilarious video featuring dad stories, browsing "Dogstagram" and burnt pie. Thanksgiving is a time to spend with family and friends, enjoy delicious foods and wear stretch
A Fox Who Became Attached To A Person After Being Saved #Video
Added 9,868 Views / 0 LikesThe rescue of a fox has become a touching love story between humans and animals.
Hospice Dog Refuses To Leave Family Behind #Video
Added 9,867 Views / 0 LikesThis heartwarming video follows the journey of a resilient dog who found her way into a loving family from a construction site neighborhood. Despite health challenges and advanced age, she continues to nurture and protect her family, showcasing the unbrea
Baby Girl Is Being Raised By Six German Shepherds #Video
Added 9,847 Views / 0 LikesShe thought she was one of the dogs when she was a baby.
Animated Short Film 'Hey Deer!' by Ors Barczy #Video
Added 9,838 Views / 0 LikesThis probably the cutest thing you will see all day! Be sure to watch until the end
Guy Saves Starving Dog On Deserted Island Video
Added 9,830 Views / 0 LikesWhen this guy found a starving dog on an island in the middle of the Amaz0n, he knew exactly what to do. Video Script:: we saw a very small shadow i was wondering what this animal was [Music] it was such a pitiful sight i couldn't believe what i was l
Dad Finds His Daughter The Perfect Rescue Dog #Video
Added 9,825 Views / 0 LikesThis girl's obsessed with dogs...but she's allergic! Watch her dad find her the perfect rescue pup
2-Year-Old Girl Convinces Her Mom To Adopt A Deaf Puppy #Video
Added 9,816 Views / 0 Likes2-year-old girl sees a deaf foster puppy walk by her house every day — and decides he needs to be part of her family
Rescued Wild Horse Loves To Play With A Little Donkey Video
Added 9,814 Views / 0 LikesWhen this rescued mustang finally starts running with her new best friend
Rare Footage Of Stunning White Moose
Added 9,813 Views / 0 LikesThe creatures are rare and unique in Sweden with only an estimated 75-100 in the country, according to the filmer. Despite being completely white, the moose are not considered albino, but rather piebald.
When Cats Show Their Wild Side Against Other Animals #Video
Added 9,805 Views / 0 LikesWatch as domesticated cats reveal their untamed instincts, squaring off with various animals in unexpected and wild encounters!
Man Kisses Alligator | Only In Florida #Video
Added 9,799 Views / 0 LikesIt's just different down in the Sunshine State! Featured content for Only In Florida includes: Jet skiing in a pool, high flying wake boarders, foil boarding under a pier & more!