Pets And Animals
Woman's adopted dog turns out to be not too bright. But he delivers on laughs. #Video
Added 21k Views / 0 LikesHis shelter name was Peanut Butter. He's the funniest dog this woman has ever had and brighter than she fist gives him credit. See what you think about today's video.
These Animals Reunited With Owners After Years! #Video
Added 21k Views / 0 LikesOne of the purest form of affection is undoubtedly the love that animals have for their human friends. Whether it's a dog or a majestic lion, all share the same joy when reunited with their human after a long separation. Join us today to witness the immen
You Won't Believe What Happened Here?! #Video
Added 20.9k Views / 0 LikesThis happened recently in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Watch as she turns towards the humans with this cautious gaze as if to say "Don't come any closer to my babies".
When Your IQ Is Human like #Video
Added 20.9k Views / 0 LikesI think you're going to be supprised at just how smart these birds are!
Woman Spends Over A Year Trying To Find Wild Horse Family. #Video
Added 20.9k Views / 0 LikesWhen this wild horse dad and his family were rounded up and sold, one woman promised to track down every mare and baby for him — watch how proud he is to finally run with all of them 1 year later
Mama Duck Waits Patiently For Neighbors To Rescue Her Babies #Video
Added 20.8k Views / 0 LikesThe whole neighborhood helped this mama duck get her babies back.
Lost dog realizes his family found him #Video
Added 20.7k Views / 0 LikesThe lost Siberian husky was found 240 miles from home
Hilarious Horses Slide Down a Hill | Best Pets Of The Week #Video
Added 20.6k Views / 0 LikesFrom a team of goofy hill-sliding horses to a clever bird who takes the key out of keyboard, please enjoy our Best Pets of The Week!
Smarty Dogs - Funny Dog Video Compilation
Added 20.6k Views / 0 LikesFrom dogs learning how to play fetch by themselves, dogs opening gates, crates, and doors, to dogs picking up their toys on command, these are just a few of ...
30 Most Guilty Dogs On The Internet #Video
Added 20.6k Views / 0 LikesIn this compilation video, we have a look at some incredible clips of guilty dogs getting caught by their owners.
Woman Buys New Hammock For Bear Family In Her Yard #Video
Added 20.6k Views / 0 LikesWoman buys a hammock for the bear family who comes by her house — and they LOVE it ????❤️
Why Goats are the FUNNIEST ANIMALS in the world #Video
Added 20.5k Views / 0 LikesYou think dogs are funny? Wait until you see goats! Their antics will have you rolling on the floor laughing.
Squirrel Frozen In Time Video. Your Daily Dose Of Internet.
Added 20.5k Views / 0 LikesThat is one stillf squirrel.... but not as stiff as that umbrella. LMBO.
1200-pound bison takes care of every animal on farm video
Added 20.3k Views / 0 LikesThis massive bison went from a shy loner to the farm's lovable matriarch. Helen the bison is the biggest, sweetest, hairiest nanny you've ever met. The 1200-pound bison takes care of every animal on this farm... and she does it completely blind. ---
Animals Caught On Video!
Added 20.2k Views / 0 LikesFrom bears to woodpeckers, and even our four-legged friends...check out these hilarious animals invading the suburbs.
Rare Griffon vulture saved with help from a military drone #Video (Israel)
Added 20.1k Views / 0 LikesConservationists working with the tech company supplying this military 'mother drone' helped this rare Griffon Vulture chick to grow healthy and strong in Israel after its real mother was tragically killed. See how they did it and the story. Wikipedia:The