In this compilation video, we have a look at some incredible clips of guilty dogs getting caught by their owners.
Added Each and everyone of these were wonderful! Have experinced the same kind of epasodes!
Carol Segal
Added It's amazing how their look can change to a look of "I don't know who did it"!
Added Poor guilty pooch's. The look of shame was hilarious.
Added All 30 busted! The corner of shame was hysterical -- into the bathtub no less. So flippin' funny. Thanks Mel, you made my evening.
Added Poor doggos. Cats would just look at you and say, "Yeah, what are you gonna do about it."
Patricia Yager Delagrange
Added these were funny and so cute
Added Guilty as charged.......LOL.............As a dog owner for many years, I can attest to the fact that they can make a big mess and then lie to you're face. Can never stay mad at them for very long.
Added It's hard to get angry with a fur baby no matter what they get into. These clips are so cute.
Judith T
Added Just a warning to those who share their lves with more than one dog: dogs lie! Or at best, they dissemble. Having shared my life with seven Labs ( two or three at a time) I can attest that the guilty one isn't always the one who acts guilty!
[email protected]Added Our little friends are smarter than we give them credit for. This is a cute video!
Thanks for sharing.
Randy Ferguson
Added Even a Defense Attorney couldn't help these dogs. Guilt is written all over their faces.
Thanks for sharing.