Pets And Animals
FUNNY IMAGES Why Women Live Longer Than Men #Video
Added 12.1k Views / 0 LikesCheck out a selection of funny images of men taking crazy health and safety risks. Please don't try this at home.Soundtrack Sounds Like Good Advice written and performed by Steve Nielson.
My 4 Yr old Apprentice with Albert & Ernie. Emma Massingale Video
Added 12.1k Views / 0 LikesI was meant to be on Auntie duties but to be honest I think my niece Lexi at 4yrs old is nailing this pony adventuring!~Emma Massingale
Living my Childhood Dream - Red squirrels in my Swedish garden #Video
Added 12.1k Views / 0 LikesHello! My name is Dani, I am a wildlife photographer and have a special connection with squirrels. ~Dani Connor Wild Facebook
Prairie Dog Loves Working From Home With Dad #Video
Added 12.1k Views / 0 LikesToday's video made me smile. Rescued prairie dog makes the cutest little noise whenever Dad says her name.
Guy Is The Best Friend A Squirrel Could Have #Video
Added 12.1k Views / 0 LikesThis guy builds a house with a tiny kitchen and living room for a squirrel named Richard. When the squirrel brings home friends, the best enemies-to-lovers story ensues between Richard and Maxine.
Girl and Her Mini Pony BFF Do Everything Together #Video
Added 12.1k Views / 0 LikesThis may very well be the cutest thing you see today!
Only A Few Dogs Look Like Her In The World, But She Has No Idea She's Different #Video
Added 12.1k Views / 0 LikesTilly has short spine syndrome, but doesn't let that stop her from living a big and healthy life. This dog's rescuer believed in her more than anyone, and together they beat the odds!
Wife Keeps Surprising Her Husband With Rescue Animals #Video
Added 12.1k Views / 0 LikesThis woman is a cat whisperer. She started feeding one stray kitten, only to find the entire family of five cats in her backyard after a week. They took them all to the vet and now get to see the kitten's transformation 2 years later!
Man adopts senior dog to make him happy in final years #Video
Added 12k Views / 0 LikesMan drives 34 hours just to give a senior dog another chance at life
Lonely Widow Found Joy Again When An Unexpected Visitor Stopped By... #Video
Added 12k Views / 0 LikesEver since Sally's husband died almost 30 years ago, she's been finding life very lonely. But when her neighbors adopted a very special puppy, everything changed.
Swollen Stray Dog Transforms Into The Happiest Little Bunny #Video
Added 12k Views / 0 LikesWatch this swollen stray dog transform into the happiest little bunny who makes everyone on the street stop to say hi
Added 12k Views / 0 LikesThese funny animals videos are proof that farm animals can be funnies than cats! Bet you will laugh at every single funny moment with these farm animals! So funny and cute! What is your favorite clip? :) Hope you like our video, please share it and SUBSCR
Very Special Puppy Gets A Sister Who's Just Like Him - POPCORN | The Dodo Adoption Day
Added 12k Views / 0 LikesThere's nothing better than a best friend who just totally gets you.
Nanny's Game of Thrones Video. honeysada
Added 12k Views / 0 LikesWinter is Coming to the Rocky Mountains! Nanny has been missing one of her favourite TV shows to watch during hibernation. Music: End of Time by Ugonna Onyekwe, Journeyman by Aakash Gandhi, Daley's Reel by Nat Keefe with The Bow Ties
The most INSANE transformation I've ever done | Farm dog first ever bath! #Video
Added 12k Views / 0 LikesThis Cowboy needs a bath!
Dog With Bouncy Ears Is Looking for a Friend #Video
Added 11.9k Views / 0 LikesWhen Lisa first met Frankie, he was terrified of bigger dogs. Although he has so much personality, magic ears and a smile that will make you melt, Frankie needed a friend. That’s when Gus came into the picture. Gus is the perfect size for Frankie to