Pets And Animals
Baby Elephant Teaches Us How To Live Playfully - ElephantNews #Video
Added 503 Views / 0 LikesAll of us experience great delight to watch the young one immersed in play and exploration. When does playfulness and a sense of adventure depart from us? Play is a most wonderful teacher. Learning in this way cannot be understated at any age. Learn More:
Donkey Loves America and the Song Horse with No Name Live music #Video
Added 521 Views / 0 LikesHeaven the donkey, yes Hazel's friend really loves classic rock songs. She is really enjoying songs by the band America. Christopher Ameruoso plays 'Horse with No Name' for her in this video clip. - Enjoy
Happy Together: Four Rescued Elephants Find Joy in the Rain - ElephanrNews #Video
Added 225 Views / 0 LikesAnother wonderful day in the river - high water and exuberant happiness !The Chorus Girls together with Rumroi and Tangmo - what a loving and bonded friendship ! Disparate lives and hardships shared and brought together at a single point. Where else, othe
Size comparison between coyotes and wolf #Video
Added 269 Views / 0 LikesEven though wolves in our area are fairly small relative to wolves in other areas (wolves in our area average ~62-63 lbs), they are still considerably larger than coyotes when you compare the two. Here is a video we made a few years back showing the size
I Live With Two Grizzly Bears | BEAST BUDDIES
Added 8,818 Views / 0 LikesAN ANIMAL lover sees his two grizzly bears as family members after raising them from cubs. Jeff Watson from Paoli, Indiana has been a bear handler for more than 29 years. His bears, Bob and Screech were given to him as cubs by a tourist attraction in Geor
Beaver dams: nature's wildlife bridges! #Video
Added 425 Views / 0 LikesBeaver dams are nature’s bridges and many animals such as wolves, bears, deer, and the like use them to cross wetlands. This footage is from a few years ago on a large old beaver dam. A few years back, we used high-resolution aerial imagery to count
This Disabled Dog Did Something Amazing For Best Friends Big Day! #Video
Added 12.4k Views / 0 LikesMeet Buttercup - For three years she had no mobility but look at her now!
We have a new Draft horse! Meet my Ginger Team #Video
Added 680 Views / 0 LikesOver the years I have worked with with so many incredible horse breeds. There is one breed from Austria ???????? that I have never had the pleasure of getting to know….until now! Welcome Lady Betty!
Donkey Named Lilly Loves Live Country/Blues Music at Folsom Prison Johnny Cash #Video
Added 858 Views / 0 LikesWorld famous Hazel the donkeys best friend Lilly is starting to enjoy the same styles of music as Hazel. Enjoy this this fun clip.
Guinea Pig Looks Stunned Video
Added 1,172 Views / 0 LikesSomeone please hand me a kleenex. I'm laughing so hard tears are running down my face. Please tell me you think this is funny or am I just going mad?
What Happends When Cute Cats Takes Care of Baby #Video
Added 298 Views / 0 LikesWhat Happens When Cute Cats Takes Care of Baby #Video
Turtle Travels Through Desert | Earth From Space | BBC Earth
Added 818 Views / 0 LikesFor the wet season, a turtle travels through the flooded desert. Watch the amazing landscape from above.
Let's Fun With Jai Dee Family Playful Time In Red Dirt And Mud - ElephantNews #Video
Added 385 Views / 0 LikesIn this delightful video, watch as the elephants, having enjoyed a cooling dip in the river, make a beeline for the recently delivered fresh red dirt. The sight of the soft earth excites Sa Ngae and his family, sparking an impromptu play session filled wi
Baby deer has no other choice than to trust the kindness of a stranger #Video
Added 525 Views / 0 LikesBaby deer has no other choice than to trust the kindness of a stranger #Video
Rare albino cat wears the helmet of humiliation #Video
Added 554 Views / 0 LikesGirl With The Dogs
Back biters and how we deal with them! #Video
Added 716 Views / 0 LikesThe final push to secure the sanctuary. Send some love and let's get there... Thanks for all the love and support x---