Pets And Animals
This Cat Has No Idea Why Chickens Are So Obsessed With Him #Video
Added 654 Views / 0 LikesThis Cat Has No Idea Why Chickens Are So Obsessed With Him #Video
Shelter Pittie Wobbles Her Way Into This Guy's Heart #Video
Added 401 Views / 0 LikesWatch this wobbly pittie do the happiest dance once she realizes she's finally home
Donkey named Heaven loving old songs #Video
Added 468 Views / 0 LikesHeaven the donkey with Christopher Ameruoso
Duckling Thinks Baby Swan is her Mom - Ugly Duckling Opposite #Video
Added 9,648 Views / 0 Likes"A Duckling had just hatched in my incubator when I got a call. A one day old Swanling needed my care. How the baby duck reacted to the baby swan was a big surprise, even to me after decades of raising baby birds." - A Chick Called Albert
This Fluffy Little Kitty Is a Heart Stealer Video
Added 612 Views / 0 LikesSit back, relax, and enjoy the furry heart stealer ????????????
Stray Cat Refused To Be Touched – Now Begs for Pets #Video
Added 250 Views / 0 LikesThe way he melts into those head pets proves he’s been longing for them his whole life
Dogs vs Unicorn Prank & Rainbow Surprise: Funny Dogs Maymo, Potpie, & Penny
Added 775 Views / 0 LikesWatch Funny Dogs Maymo, Potpie & Penny React to a Unicorn Prank & Rainbow Ball Surprise! These cute beagle dogs are minding their own business when a giant inflatable unicorn shows up in the living room. Each dog takes his time jumping on the floa
Dog Stranded In Raging River Rescued By Construction Workers #Video
Added 1,405 Views / 0 LikesThe two most stressful and most incredible dog rescues ever
Chendra's Anniversary
Added 748 Views / 0 LikesHappy anniversary to Chendra! Borneo elephant Chendra was discovered as an orphaned calf in Sabah, Malaysia in 1994. She stood little chance of surviving on her own, so wildlife officials found her a new elephant family at the Oregon Zoo. She arrived Nov.
Dogs are truly the kings and queens of comedy #Video
Added 13.6k Views / 0 LikesThese furry friends are sure to make you laugh and smile. From silly antics to adorable moments, these dogs will brighten your day. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the cuteness! And be sure to share with your friends!
He is part cattle dog, part pit bull. And has been called a pig. #Video
Added 1,021 Views / 0 LikesHe is part cattle dog, part pit bull. And has been called a pig. #Video
Dog versus Jack in the Box! #Shorts #dachshund #Video
Added 628 Views / 0 LikesDog versus Jack in the Box! #Shorts #dachshund #Video
Guy Uses Drones To Rescue Animals From Disasters Video
Added 1,187 Views / 0 LikesThis guy goes to natural disasters to rescue animals — and he just adopted one of them!
Rescue dog's amazing response to first snow #Video
Added 358 Views / 0 LikesDog's heartwarming reaction to first snow
This Woman Dedicated Her Life To Saving Flamingos Who Need Her Help | The Dodo Faith = Restored
Added 1,074 Views / 0 LikesWild flamingos will never forget the woman who saved their lives. They stop by every day to say thanks!