Pets And Animals
Listen To The Sounds Of Elephants While They Eat - ElephantNews #Video
Added 531 Views / 0 LikesListen to the sounds of elephants while they eat at Elephant Nature Park. Is this any different than human families who gather around the dinner table, enjoying a meal, and in good company, have much to talk about in random friendly banter ?! Of course no
Clingy Family Cats and Little Girl Are Absolutely Adorable #Video
Added 501 Views / 0 LikesHere's Something to make your day better.
I caught my chicken sleeping on the job #Video
Added 647 Views / 0 LikesNote: the chicken was OK. I had placed it down on its head, and since it could not see it stayed there. It is a common thing for chickens.
Cute baby animals Videos Compilation cutest moment of the animals - Soo Cute! #14
Added 1,154 Views / 0 LikesCute baby animals Videos Compilation cutest moment of the animals - Soo Cute! #14
Police Officers Chase After Cat Jumping Around with a Bucket on Its Head
Added 416 Views / 0 LikesPolice Officers Chase After Cat Jumping Around with a Bucket on Its Head
Cats Protect Their Home from Intruders!
Added 948 Views / 0 LikesCat Owners are purrfectly safe in their homes, cats are the best security system around :)
Homeless dog's amazing transformation #Video
Added 723 Views / 0 LikesIt's hard to believe it's the same dog! Brad Pitt's transformation is truly beautiful
Rescue Terrier Learns To Smile After Being Adopted #Video
Added 586 Views / 0 LikesWhen Liz first saw Clifford he was very anxious, didn’t go on walks and didn’t even know how to play! But too-serious-for-his-size look and a cleft palate touched her heart. Liz adopted Clifford and helped him relive that puppy life that he mi
The Ginger Tabby Who Fell In Love With A Shredded Box #Video
Added 725 Views / 0 LikesThis cat refuses to sleep anywhere but his shredded box — and the reason is actually really sweet!
This woman will change what you think about bees video
Added 691 Views / 0 LikesThis woman is hopelessly in love with bees.
Lineated Woodpecker drumming.
Added 857 Views / 0 LikesLineated Woodpecker (Dryocopus lineatus) drumming. Recorded near Santa Marta, Colombia. Photo thumbnail: Kees Greidanus.
Lab Helps Her Dad Surf Big Waves #Video
Added 326 Views / 0 LikesAnd according to her dad, she's a total natural! She now insists on always coming along with him
Woman Saves Parrot No One Would Take A Chance On | The Dodo
Added 975 Views / 0 LikesWoman Saves Parrot No One Would Take A Chance On | Sometimes the most broken animals are the ones who need the most love
Rainy Day Bliss: Elephant Herd Revels in Mud and Bonding at Elephant Nature Park! - ElephantNews #Vi
Added 354 Views / 0 LikesWitness pure joy as our beloved herd basks in the delight of a mud bath on a rainy day! The excitement and sheer enjoyment are palpable, with lively chatter filling the air - trumpeting, squeaking, and happy rumbles resonate throughout the sanctuary. Prev
7 Wonderful Wolves Strike a Perfect Pose #Video
Added 548 Views / 0 LikesWhen it comes to teamwork, we can learn a lot from animals — specifically, wolves.For wolves, every day is about survival. Wolves rely on each other to function, thrive, and survive. As highly social animals, wolves live in structured family units c
Squirrel Goes To Work In Her Mom's Hoodie #Video
Added 484 Views / 0 LikesDay in the life of an adorable squirrel who goes to work in her mom's hoodie