Pets And Animals
Unique looking Rottie proves everyone wrong #Video
Added 618 Views / 0 LikesHis smile says it all
Rare footage of wolves eating berries #Video
Added 517 Views / 0 LikesThe berry season is here— the time of year when wolves in our area become omnivores! For some wolves and wolf packs, berries will likely be the primary food source for the next 4 or so weeks. Rare footage of this behavior above. Some research we did
I interviewed animals with a tiny mic again #Video
Added 621 Views / 0 LikesChapters:0:00 - Giggles (Kookaburra)0:10 - disclaimer1:04 - Boris (Prehensile-tailed porcupine)1:28 - Sydney (White/Umbrella cockatoo)1:41 - Wesley (Capybara) (okay I pull up, hop out at the after party)1:59 - Godzilla (Tortoise)2:08 - Spike (Hedgehog)2:1
Gentle Cat Loves His Bunny Friends Video
Added 769 Views / 0 LikesSweet ginger kitty and his bunny friends!! ????????????
Narcoleptic Dog Falls Asleep Every Time He's Happy #Video
Added 328 Views / 0 LikesHe passes out at least 100 times a day — but he's literally the happiest dog we've ever seen
Dog Rescued From Under an Abandoned House Looking For a Family | The Dodo Adopt Me!
Added 736 Views / 0 LikesThis dog, who lost use of his back legs, is rescued from under an abandoned house and is SO excited to finally have wheels - now all he needs is a family!
Guys Rescue A Woodpecker Tangled In A Fishing Net #Video
Added 688 Views / 0 LikesTrapped woodpecker stops crying the moment she realizes these guys are here to help — watch her wait patiently until she can fly away
Matilda had Four Does!
Added 847 Views / 0 LikesMatilda had four doelings last night! Milkyway, Juno (a NASA space probe orbiting the planet Jupiter), Maia (a star in the constellation of Taurus) & Monday (for Richard Akera who told an amazing story about a special goat from his childhood at our Go
Jealous Duck Pushes All Siblings To Get Woman's Attention #Video
Added 432 Views / 0 LikesWhen Julie got Quinn, she couldn't even imagine a duck might have such a special personality. She instantly bonded with the woman meeting her after work with hops and wings flopping. And once Julie fell in love with Quinn's charisma, the duck took control
Sharing Food Is Hard — Even For Hedgehogs #Video
Added 508 Views / 0 LikesLeslie says she loves using her Ring Stick Up Cam “to monitor the wildlife and particularly hedgehogs” that stop by outside her house. She even went so far as to set up a little restaurant for them to come and have a midnight snack whenever he
An Extremely Realistic Halloween Mask. Your Daily Dose Of Internet. #Video
Added 867 Views / 0 LikesHello everyone, this is YOUR Daily Dose of Internet. In this video, someone made an extremely realistic Halloween wolf mask.
My Husky’s Night Routine is VERY Demanding! Video.
Added 1,007 Views / 0 LikesMy Husky’s Night Routine is VERY Demanding! He demands food, belly rubs, more food, to sleep in my room and more belly rubs!
A magical rock in northern Minnesota #Video
Added 345 Views / 0 LikesA little dab of the smelly stuff and a random rock becomes the talk of the town...
9 Wild Animals That Like Humans
Added 736 Views / 0 LikesIt's hard to find a person who doesn't like animals. However, we are used to interacting with most of them through the screen of our electronic devices. After all, if cats and dogs seem harmless to us, we can not always say the same about wild animals. Bu
Tiny old horse is feeling good! - What the heck am I feeding him!? #Video
Added 1,095 Views / 0 LikesJust another day~Nigel is extra sassy~I test out a new hay chopper ~Huckleberry sticks his nose where it doesn't belong
Crazy Crash with Strüdel the Haflinger horse...
Added 1,115 Views / 0 LikesColt Strüdel is a bit to crazy... The Haflingers can also play outside. Strüdel van Frankenastate (Liz. Sterngold) Röschen (Liz. Novembernebel) Weldaad (Liz. Wallenstein)