3 things you should NEVER get a donkey to do! #Video
Life lesson: never trust a donkey with important jobs—or your fingers.
Ronnie "Ron Ron" tries to snack on caretakers hand while he explains why some individuals (human or donkey) shouldn’t handle power tools, plates, or flammable liquids. Chaos ensues.
Jacobs Ridge is a private animal sanctuary in Murcia, Spain offering a forever home to 140+ animals. This includes: horses, pigs, donkeys, goats, sheep, cats and dogs, many of which have been neglected, abused or abandoned.
We offer all-inclusive volunteer experience breaks, making us not just a sanctuary for animals, but a sanctuary for people too.
Our mission is to be completely self-sustainable and not rely on hand-outs or donations. However, the pandemic had a massive impact on our funding model and so we have had to turn to other fundraising methods.
We promote a vegan lifestyle because we believe that every being has a right to life and a Life Without Fear.
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Patricia Yager Delagrange Added silly and funny
Glenn L. Added So Funny!! Thanks Mel, you made me morning
CharMaine Added This guy is such a goofball with his donkey's . . . Ronnie, Ronnie! He is the ringleader. I'm sure of it now.
Mary Jane Added Very cute, thanks Mel!
Randy Ferguson Added This is cute and funny. Thanks for sharing, Mel. God bless you and yours!
Svelte Added What was that???
dixie doodle Added That was so cute! I love donkeys!