02:45 Popular
Duck Pals: A Girl And Her Duck
Added 1,084 Views / 0 LikesA 5-year-old in Maine has an inseparable bond with her duck. Not a toy duck -- a real, live duck. She believes she is the duck's mom, and vice versa. Steve Hartman went "On the Road" to meet this dynamic duck duo.
02:54 Popular
On The Road: Coffee For Cancer Patients
Added 883 Views / 0 LikesAs part of our continuing series "On the Road," Steve Hartman meets a man who's spent over $10,000 of his own money to buy coffee for cancer patients at Michigan hospitals. And all he wants in return are smiles.
03:18 Popular
Grieving little boy turns sadness into smiles
Added 834 Views / 0 LikesJaden Hayes lost both of his parents in a short period. As he was trying to get over his grief, he found purpose in trying to make people smile. Steve Hartman asked him how gets from the sad place to the happy place. Subscribe to the "CBS Evening News" Ch
02:24 Popular
Man and goose build unusual friendship
Added 843 Views / 0 LikesA lifesaving act on an Oregon lake has led to an unlikely connection between a goose and her hero. Steve Hartman goes "On The Road" to meet the inseparable pair.
03:54 Popular
Steve Hartman looks back as "On The Road" turns 50
Added 1,294 Views / 0 LikesIt was 50 years ago this month that Charles Kuralt first went "On The Road." Steve Hartman remembers founder Charles Kuralt, and takes us back to the start of a journey -- to the heart of America. Subscribe to the "CBS Evening News" Channel HERE: http://b
Helicopter Surprise - Random Acts
Added 8,332 Views / 0 LikesHelicopter Surprise - Random Acts. Steffan is gradually losing his sight and hearing. So we wanted to give him a once-in-a-lifetime experience over his beloved mountain home!
Ringing In The Holidays! Joe Pinson
Added 8,347 Views / 0 LikesHanky Alert! Discover how one man is living out the saying "music is a universal language" at a whole new level. Joe Pinson Denton, TX
02:39 Popular
Myrtle Beach innkeeper opens his doors to families hit by flooding
Added 842 Views / 0 LikesWhen Hurricane Florence hit South Carolina, many families were flooded out of their homes. Jarete Hucks, who owns the Midtown Inn and Cottages, decided to open his doors to those in need. Steve Hartman has his story "On The Road." Subscribe to the "CBS Ev
Added 1,068 Views / 0 LikesLyric video for Red Grammer's song, I THINK YOU'RE WONDERFUL!
Deaf Comedian Turns Tragedy Into Comedy | Kathy Buckley Inspirational Video
Added 33.2k Views / 0 Likes✪ We found a Kathy Buckley gem from 20 years ago with a life lesson that stands the test of time! In this video, the “Deaf Comedian”, shares her incredible story of setback after setback, until one day she decided to take control.
A glimpse into a BEAUTIFUL SOUL #Video
Added 6,062 Views / 0 LikesEven in life’s most challenging moments, beauty quietly waits to offer us comfort. In times of pain or loss, noticing the small things around us — the warmth of sunlight, the comfort of a friend — can remind us of life’s gentle gra
15:57 Popular
Peaceful, Quiet Walk Through The Rainforest
Added 1,176 Views / 0 LikesA quiet walk through the Quinalt Rainforest in Olympic National Park on the Washington coast. This is filmed just before the heavy foliage blossoms in March. The rainforest is one of the most meditative places I visit. The green moss is heavy with moistur
03:23 Popular
School Teaches Morality With
Added 809 Views / 0 LikesWhen we found out Solomon Schechter School in Westchester County, N.Y., is using "On The Road" stories in their weekly ethics class, we just had to check it out. Steve Hartman drops by to speak with the students.
02:40 Popular
On The Road: College Students Reach For The Sky
Added 728 Views / 0 LikesAs part of our continuing series "On The Road," Steve Hartman meets a group of engineering students from the University of Maryland who are fighting funding gaps and gravity to find a way to make a human-powered helicopter fly.
03:04 Popular
Woman gets more than her life from liver transplant
Added 830 Views / 0 LikesHeather Krueger, 27, was diagnosed with stage 4 liver disease and needed a transplant urgently. When she found a donor, it truly was a match made in heaven. Steve Hartman has more "On the Road."