How To Succeed When Others Hold You Back | Neil Degrasse Tyson Speech | Goalcast
Added 933 Views / 0 Likes✪ Famed astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson shares lessons he learned on how to succeed when people don't believe in you and how to create meaning in life.✪ How To Succeed When Others Hold You Back | Neil Degrasse Tyson Speech | Goalcast Video Script::
Paul Harvey Video - Hard Work
Added 1,184 Views / 0 LikesThis is Paul Harvey's Speech on Hard Work.
Ultimate Truth - Our Purpose on Earth #Video
Added 6,805 Views / 0 LikesIn today’s fast-paced world, so many of us have lost touch with Mother Nature. We’re constantly surrounded by technology, running from one responsibility to the next, rarely taking a moment to step outside and just breathe. The natural world,
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Man and goose unusual friendship
Added 949 Views / 0 LikesA lifesaving act on an Oregon lake lead to an unlikely connection between a goose and her hero. Steve Hartman goes On The Road to meet the inseparable . As part of our continuing series Assignment America, Steve Hartman meets a retired salesman from Los A
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Added 825 Views / 0 LikesThere is a special something about successful people. Even when they fail there is an inner strength that keeps them moving forward. Popular books share insights and often delve deep to explain this phenomena with sports legends, business executives, scie
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On The Road: N.C. Basketball Team Gets Miracle Assist
Added 895 Views / 0 LikesAs part of our continuing series "On the Road," Steve Hartman meets a basketball team whose junior guard dedicated a crucial game to a friend he lost to cancer. When the game came down to the wire, something remarkable happened.
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11-year-old Throws
Added 1,040 Views / 0 LikesA young boy in Michigan helped coordinate an appreciation event for his heroes -- the men in blue. Steve Hartman went "On the Road" to the party, where more than 250 showed up to support their police officers.
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Web Extra: The Making Of
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CBS On the Road host Steve Hartman
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Steve Hartman reflects on 50 years of life "On the Road"
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Husky With Special Needs Meets a New Friend Who’s Just Like Him
Added 9,250 Views / 0 LikesWatch the moment this athlete meets the dog who inspires him.
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How a car connects a fallen soldier and his son
Added 934 Views / 0 LikesIn 2003, Army 1st Lt. Jonathan Rozier died in Iraq when his son Justin was just a few months old. Today, Justin cherishes anything that used to belong to his dad, which is why he thought it would be cool to have his car. A stranger stepped in to help. Ste
The POWER Of Compassion | Father Gregory Boyle Speech | Goalcast
Added 988 Views / 0 LikesAfter the unthinkable happened, Father Gregory Boyle had a choice to make, an important choice between compassion and hate... Video Script:: once he came into my office and he said AG kicked me down with 20 bones yeah I said what do you need $20 for
Fortune/Walker/Rogers/Isaacs Video - Go Rest High On That Mountain
Added 8,083 Views / 0 LikesLyrics: I know your lifeOn earth was troubledAnd only you could know the pain.You weren't afraid to face the devil,You were no stranger to the rain. Go rest high on that mountainSon, your work on earth is done.Go to heaven a-shoutin'Love for the Father an