Navy SEAL Veteran Gets Wake Up Call From Worst Fear | Admiral McRaven
Added 19.2k Views / 0 Likes✪ Admiral McRaven, 36-year Navy SEAL veteran of "Make Your Bed" fame, faces down one of life's worst fears. ✪ Navy SEAL Veteran Gets Wake Up Call From Worst Fear | Admiral McRaven | Goalcast Speech Video Script:: I've been a Navy SEAL for 36 years I s
Musician Vince Gill surprises community devastated by record flooding #video
Added 903 Views / 0 LikesRecord rains in August led to devastating floods that destroyed homes, businesses and schools in Waverly, Tennessee. Mark Strassmann shows us how a visit from country music superstar Vince Gill is lifting spirits and helping dozens of kids get one step cl
03:10 Popular
Quiet Reflections Of Autum In The Teton National Park
Added 1,081 Views / 0 LikesSunrise in the Tetons with autumn reflections in the Oxbow river. High definition 1080 will take you on a tranquil, inspirational journey through the Teton mountains in Wyoming with birds chirping and sun shining.
01:42 Popular
Backstory: Nola Ochs
Added 956 Views / 0 LikesHear the story behind our billboard featuring Nola Ochs who received her diploma at the age of 96.
03:12 Popular
Steve Hartman On Kids And Country Music Lyrics
Added 790 Views / 0 LikesSteve Hartman and his kids are hooked on country music thanks to Kix Brooks of Brooks and Dunn. The lyrics about hard-drinking and other real life issues have facilitated some hard, but useful conversations. Steve Hartman reports for “On the Road.” Editor
02:25 Popular
On The Road: Haircuts For The Homeless
Added 835 Views / 0 LikesAs part of our continuing series "On the Road," Steve Hartman meets a retired real estate investor in Hartford, Conn., who is now known as "Joe the Barber." SUBSCRIBE to the CBS NEWS Channel here:
02:42 Popular
The secret to a happy marriage
Added 1,003 Views / 0 LikesWhat is the secret to a happy marriage? One couple found it sitting in their cupboard. Steve Hartman reports, "On The Road."
02:25 Popular
What Congress can learn from Little League
Added 908 Views / 0 LikesThis week, some people tried to turn the baseball shooting into a political football, blaming one party or the other for the violence. Normally, you'd expect Congress to join in the mudslinging -- but they threw us a curveball at Thursday night's game. St
02:20 Popular
Sarah Greichen NEEDTOBREATHE Vignette
Added 987 Views / 0 LikesSarah Greichen’s twin brother has an Autism Spectrum Disorder. She says he didn’t have any friends in school and that’s why she started the nonprofit “Score A Friend.” Sarah believes if we all extend our love and kindness to include everyone from all walk
03:00 Popular
Father sends postcards to his children as simple act of love
Added 964 Views / 0 LikesDavid Lasseter's campaign started in 1995, after he dropped his oldest daughter off at Notre Dame. That night, he sent her a postcard -- just as he has done virtually every day since then for all of his kids, for years. Steve Hartman reports. Subscribe to
02:59 Popular
Student's mother is on the mend months after teacher donated kidney
Added 723 Views / 0 LikesTeacher Donna Hoagland would do anything for her students. So when she learned that one student's mother was battling stage 5 kidney failure, she decided to help. Steve Hartman has an update to their story "On The Road."
How the magic of kindness helped me survive the Holocaust | Werner Reich
Added 1,233 Views / 0 LikesHolocaust survivor Werner Reich recounts his harrowing adolescence as a prisoner transported between concentration camps — and shares how a small, kind act can inspire a lifetime of compassion. "If you ever know somebody who needs help, if you know
Home Free - God Bless the U.S.A. Video (featuring Lee Greenwood and The United States Air Force Band
Added 31.4k Views / 0 LikesPerformed By: Home Free, Lee Greenwood, and The United States Air Force Band.
Your Past Does Not Dictate Your Future | Elizabeth Smart Inspirational Documentary Video | Goalcast
Added 7,170 Views / 0 Likes✪ Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped at 14 years old and was missing for 9 grueling months. Those were the worst months of her life, the details of which were so awful, she refused to share her story for ten years… until something changed. This is her s
A Glimmer Of Hope, A Mutual Rescue Moment #Video
Added 6,806 Views / 0 LikesIn a world filled with challenges and heartache, animals often provide a source of healing and companionship. This is the story of Sarah, a woman who found solace and purpose through fostering dogs, helping those in recovery find hope and a chance for a b