Videos Section 2
Hibernating Bears Wake Up Early To Enjoy Snow
Added 679 Views / 0 LikesMany thanks to the Helsinki Zoo for allowing us to use their beautiful bear footage.
Hidden Bird Tap-Dancing Behavior Revealed In Slow-Motion​ Footage
Added 782 Views / 0 LikesHigh-speed footage reveals a unique courtship behavior of the blue-capped cordon bleu that has never been observed before in birds.
Hidden Camera-trap Captures Rare Pictures Of Elusive African Animals
Added 797 Views / 0 LikesA BRITISH wildlife photographer has captured close-up images of some of the world's most elusive animals.
Hidden Camera-trap Captures Rare Pictures Of Elusive African Animals
Added 864 Views / 0 LikesA BRITISH wildlife photographer has captured close-up images of some of the world's most elusive animals.
Highlights Of Cute Baby Eaglets From D.C. Eagle Cam
Added 984 Views / 0 LikesTwo eaglets recently hatched at the U.S. National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. Known for now as DC2 and DC3.
Hikers Suddenly Get Thrown Off Bridge
Added 797 Views / 0 LikesGreat Walk Lake WAIKAREMOANA, New Zealand.
Hilarious Golden Retriever Really Wants To Race But.. First Things First.
Added 814 Views / 0 LikesLOL this golden retriever dog is just so funny. What would your dog do in this situation?
Hilarious Love Song - The Moron Brothers
Added 1,026 Views / 0 LikesIf My Nose Was Running Money, I'd Blow it All ON You is down right funny tune.
Hilarious Screaming Deer In Nara Japan (Original)
Added 803 Views / 0 LikesWe noticed this lone deer making strange whining sounds and thought it was pretty funny. But we could not have prepared ourselves for what happened next.
Hilarious Southwest Airline Safety Presentation (Open Captions)
Added 836 Views / 0 LikesThis is the full text version of this very funny but whip-speedy monologue of the Southwest flight attendant who got on the Ellen Show in April of 2014. I do this version for my deaf friends because the automatic closed captioning on the other videos is n
Hilarious! - Camera Captures Lady's Confusion At Gas Pump
Added 870 Views / 0 LikesThere's too much stress in the world, hopefully this will cheer you up.
Hilarious! - Chicago Bulls Kiss Cam
Added 915 Views / 0 LikesHilarious! - Chicago Bulls Kiss Cam
Hilarious! - Raven Puts On A Show For Stadium Webcam
Added 769 Views / 0 LikesA surprise visitor stops by the 2015 Coors Light NHL Stadium Series webcam during the rink build at Levi's Stadium. Video courtesy of San Francisco 49ers.