Videos Section 2
You Just Know This Isn't Going To End Well...
Added 585 Views / 0 LikesFrom the time this video starts you just get the feeling this isn't going to end well... watch as these guys attempt to get the tree to land between two buildings... AWESOME Ending!
Your Cat Is Talking To You:
Added 768 Views / 0 LikesYes, you read the title right. If you have a cat, it's trying to send you signals via meowing, rubbing, and purring. But what are they saying?
Your Dog Can Read Your Mind And Knows.
Added 908 Views / 0 LikesNew research shows your dog can actually read your mind. It goes beyond them knowing it's time to eat or go on a walk before giving a verbal command.
Your Phone: How Often Do You REALLY Use It?
Added 978 Views / 0 LikesHow often do you use your phone on a typical day? We asked people to give their estimates, and then tracked their usage... the results were surprising and hilarious.
Zimbabwe Bull Elephant Crashes Into Tourists At Mana Pools
Added 861 Views / 0 LikesAs we were eating brunch an elephant was eating pods off of the ground and as it approached we were told to stay very still, which we did. Then this happens.
Zipline Girl Flips Into Pool
Added 512 Views / 0 LikesGirl ziplines over a pool and does an amazing flip in.
[Yule Log Audio] Mary Did You Know? - Pentatonix
Added 859 Views / 0 LikesBUY THAT'S CHRISTMAS TO ME (DELUXE) -