Videos Section 2
Hedgehog And Hamster Eat In Mini Coffee Shop
Added 792 Views / 0 LikesPhotographer Diane Modafferi regularly features her pet hedgehog Humphrey J. in Christmas cards which are always adorable! She has made an elaborate miniature cafe for Humphrey and his close friend Coco the hamster which they seem to enjoy! The busy hedge
Hedgehog Christmas! In 4K!
Added 739 Views / 0 LikesHedgehog Christmas! In 4K!
Hedgehogs Go Tubing! | Too Cute!
Added 559 Views / 0 LikesPlaytime for the baby hedgehogs turns out to be so exciting that it attracts the attention of the family dog!
Helium Beer Test
Added 992 Views / 0 LikesWe tested a Helium-Beer. This test was originally published on 1st of April (April Fool's Day). ;-)
Helium Opera Singing
Added 876 Views / 0 LikesAfter the ISM welcome party, what better to do than use the helium from the **surplus amount of left over balloons to breathe in and sing an aria?!?
Hello - Walk Off The Earth + Myles Erlick & Isaac Lupien
Added 548 Views / 0 LikesHello - Walk off the Earth + Myles Erlick & Isaac Lupien (Whippy Tube and Tap Dance Cover)
Hello - Walk Off The Earth + Myles Erlick & Isaac Lupien
Added 524 Views / 0 LikesHello - Walk off the Earth + Myles Erlick & Isaac Lupien (Whippy Tube and Tap Dance Cover)
Hello! Are You A Pretty Bird!
Added 830 Views / 0 LikesDisco repeats what he hears, which is lots of love talk and kisses. Oh, and a little Turkish and Salt-N-Pepa, too
Henke And Spons - A Girl And Her Horse
Added 837 Views / 0 LikesHenke and Spons - A Girl and Her Horse
Henri The Cat - Bacon
Added 691 Views / 0 LikesHenri is encouraged that this glorious meat will finally be available to cats. For free coupons and a chance to win a year's supply of bacon, visit
Henry Lewis Chevy (Texas Country Reporter)
Added 2,242 Views / 0 LikesFind out about a dealership that has had one salesman for over 50 years. Henry Lewis Chevrolet Henry Lewis 385 W Dallas St. Canton, TX 75103 Phone: 903-567-8148 Website:
Here's What Happens To Your Knuckles When You Crack Them
Added 594 Views / 0 LikesOne man cracked his knuckles in one hand for 60 years and not the other. Watch the video to see what he found out.
Hermit Crab Changes Shell - Slow Motion At The End.
Added 675 Views / 0 LikesFilmed in my native UK marine tank. Been hoping to catch him doing this since we first found him! Subscribe to me if you'd like to see more videos like this :)
Heroic River Boarder Rescues Drowning Squirrel
Added 827 Views / 0 LikesAn heroic river boarder dramatically saved a squirrel's life after it was trapped in a fast flowing river. Thomas Paterson, 22, was travelling down stream on his board in Ottawa, Canada, when he spotted the furry animal stranded on a rock.
Hibernating Bears Wake Up Early To Enjoy Snow
Added 650 Views / 0 LikesMany thanks to the Helsinki Zoo for allowing us to use their beautiful bear footage.