Wild Lorikeet Brings Girlfriend to Meet Human Mom | The Dodo Soulmates
Elvis the lorikeet ended up on Bee's balcony after being chased and she helped him get healthy. Now he comes in the house to visit her every other day!
Video Script::
you're just a couple in tonight we love you Elvis you're very cute if I want to go and spend time outside he'll see me and come he turned his little head and you know do a little scratching on it like love me love me I never had a wild bird do that it was a morning I was sitting out there alchemy relaxing when he flew in I didn't have time to even really see he literally came from where every claim from straight to me he was puffing and panting something must have been chasing him left on the forgotten nearly two hour he was that friendly that I could then start to stroking room feel was weird and just checked it nothing was broken after he slept you seem to be quite comfortable so you could just see that he hadn't didn't have the stamina he was just needing time to get well again some food it's just helped himself to the kitchen he just walked in a little bit and and checked it out what are you doing Thursday nice thank quite a bit of time being too hungry and from there at gosh it just it just didn't stop my suppose has this sort of way when talking to doing with head boggling that's how he got it wrong Elvis what you're doing first thing in the morning if you know he's round I don't know if you would squad limp straightaway good morning Elvis hey baby I'd sit at the kitchen bench doing some work on the computer or something anything on the computer I'm going to work and putting makeup on and you playing with the nation [Music] and you'll see and tweeting and whistling have little chats in like you do nothing Sunday you are you doing you're coming this another district decided that that was his favorite daytime place oh you've been asleep Pat you in here all day you're taking stuff out and sleep in the trees not put a bird back outside and you know anybody wants to but he would always come in and when I'd be drinking my glass of water you jump up onto it and then it's done kids head into it swimming while he's now healing and feeling a lot better it starts trying to get him start to meet with the other person become obviously part of the flock here so I was always checking in back outside and I'd sit outside in case other birds came and it took a while we were still odd you want to sort of gel then one day he lost see lately face yeah he's flying excellent gosh she's gone like really far and then I didn't see him for a couple of days lo and behold he came back with his friends I baby we've missed you now he had a posse like Elvis and his coffee turned into mr. cool dude it was so much fun that's Elvis taking off right we've left them in here now hello everybody still find time though to come and sit and talk to me who came inside [Music] you're excited aren't you look I saw him canoodling in the trees you got a girl he finally brought her after months to meet to me properly hello it's been coming in every other day for nearly three years he's very special to me [Music] like comment and subscribe

Lynn Added Awwwww!!!! That lovely lady is so lucky! As a bird lover, a parrot lover, that would be a dream come true to be there...flocks of lorrikeets (that's what that beautiful bird was), cockatoos right out your patio, wow. I think it's time to save our $$ for a long rest in Australia, when this pandemic is over...
Janet Added so sweet
mercedes Added Was this in Australia? What a neat video!
Marilyn Added I LOVED Elvis and his friends. What a great video today during these terrible times. Thank You.
Barbara Added So sweet when a wild bird comes to you - I've had it happen a few times. Love it.