For anyone getting message: "Sign in to confirm you're not a bot"
First try refreshing your browser or try another browser. If that doesn't work, read the following.
All the videos on my website are embedded from Youtube. From what little information I can find Youtube is testing turning off videos for certain users that are not logged into a Youtube account or using a VPN to view videos. If you have a Youtube account, please try logging in and see if you can then view the videos on https://mvotd.com. If you're using a VPN, try turning it off to view the videos. There are a few other work arounds but they are pretty confusing to use. If you have the skills you might try searching Google for "Youtube Sign in to confirm you're not a bot" for a fix. I didn't see any that looked easy. Our best hope is that Youtube completes their test and realizes this is a big mistake. Until then, please check in daily to see if you still getting the error message. Sorry it took so long to figure out what was going on with this. Mel
JELLY GUMMY BEAR ► https://goo.gl/sMX6Hn
You will surely agree that science is simply an incredible thing! Even 50 years ago we couldn’t even imagine that we’ll have access to any library in the world from our own home, take pictures on the phone, use contact lenses and talk to the refrigerator and medicine will reach such heights that doctors will learn to transplant even the heart. But progress doesn’t stop here and today surgeons are seriously having big ideas about transplantation of the most difficult part of the human body — the head. Yes, we’re talking about a possible transplantation not of a separate organ like the kidney, but of an entire system with the brain in the lead. You should agree, it sounds too fantastic, but it's true. Don’t you believe in it? Then today we’ll try to figure out what’ll happen when transplanting the head.