Teeny Kitten Found in the Trash Nurses on His Dad's Hand When He Sleeps
This tiny kitten was found in a garbage can when he was only a few hours old and an entire family came together to save his life.
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we had family over yesterday someone contacted my youngest son and they found a newborn kitten abandoned st. Bonnie's seat Bonnie's said you'll be willing to give it a try you know we'll see we can do is try to keep his temperature with 24-hour care but every week went by and she said pictures so just kind of a miracle [Music] now he's our little kid so when we need an Oscar cuz he was found on a garbage can that he's a lunatic he's into everything no fear not a second of thought about anything London is a grumpy old lady who just doesn't like the cats and this cat just doesn't care goes wherever he wants happy having a time is like oh we're gonna have to call the fire department ladies and gentlemen cat stuck in a tree he jumps on everything attacks everything plays everything he's into everything crawls and everything Oscar like I always say to my wife that's why we can't have nice things come up my leg he wants to suckle on my hand while I sleep that's the only time he purrs like comment and subscribe