Jeanne Robertson | Don't Ask the Plastic Surgeon
Jeanne Robertson | Don't Ask the Plastic Surgeon
Video Script:: and then I realized if I'm at home in this and I got this leg and I can't bend it and I got a cast on it and so forth what I need to do is get back on the road speaking and I call my assistant and I said do you know that woman that keeps calling every week and saying Wendy's Jeanne gonna be able to speak our convention is rolling around in DeLand Florida I said call our Tony I'm going and she said I think it's time for you to get on the road - I'll Drive you down there if I have to ten and a half hours right down i-95 okay and then it rolled around for the time for me to go and I called my assistant Toni queen of the tickets y'all probably know Toni she's running my office for 39 years is that not amazing [Music] nobody's ever uploaded on you Tony I'm throwing a little bit no we were at Auburn University in Alabama together and both wound up back in this county with our families 39 years and she had said I'll take you down there don't worry about it and she said oh I can't go I can't do it Jeannie I've read the weather report it's supposed to snow here Monday and Leslie that's hurt dollar we'll have to teach and if she's teaching I don't need to babysit so I can't do that 39 years a monthly paycheck for 39 years let me tell you how close Tony and I are I tell her about anything you don't work with somebody for 39 years and not knowing everything about each other and so I went in one time I've noticed that my left eye was drooping you just happens and I thought I got to get something done about that it's showing up in pictures and photographs so when in Tony's sitting at the computer typing and I said Tony look at this can you see anything wrong here she said I'm busy I said no Tony I I'm thinking about having plastic surgery she said you can pull that face straight if you want to but your elbows are gonna give you away and I said no Tony I'm serious now I want you to get the name of a plastic surgeon I don't want him to go in here and fix my and while he's in there pull up my face just a little bit but don't call anybody in this county I don't want any body to know about it go far away she got an appointment in Durham and I went in and I found myself in front of this man and he said very nicely mrs. Robertson why are you here and I said Oh can't you see look at my droopy eye I want you to go in there and do the droopy eye and do the rest of the face so that the droopy eye looks so good in the rest look bad help me out a little bit here and he came over and examined my droopy eye and sat down he said miss Robertson there's nothing wrong with your eye if you're looking at pictures everybody has one eye that's more open in a picture than another one so you need not worry about that and you didn't fill out any papers when you came in here that said to me why you thought you were here I like for people to come in and then I look at them and I make a decision on why I think they're here and I didn't look at your eye at all I thought you were here about your neck [Applause] you you