If It Were Not Filmed No One Would Believe It
Imagine that a friend tells you a completely incredible story. You probably think that he made it up from beginning to end... You would believe him, but where's the proof? Fortunately, today even the most amazing moments are caught on camera, thanks to smartphones with good cameras and other portable equipment. That's exactly what we're going to talk about today. These are the most amazing moments filmed on camera. If it weren't for the video, you wouldn't believe it's true.
Let's get it on what woods the apocalypse look like could it be the classic Four Horseman a technological disaster a natural catastrophe could have been caused by meteorites or maybe an invasion of ducks drivers in China ran into an army of brown ducks walking along a busy road the traffic in China's coastal city of Tai zu was paralyzed because seventy year old farmer Hong Minchin went for a walk with five thousand ducks 5000 the farmer claims that regular exercise for example a long walk to the nearest lake is necessary for the Ducks to feel good the drivers patiently waited until the birds reached their destination by the way Hong regularly walks with his ducks across the streets and very rarely loses one on the way his pets are surprisingly disciplined not afraid of people or cars and do not run away many people don't trust new technologies or if there actually is a rise of the machines it seems that our closest relatives monkeys don't trust technology either in the Dutch town of Arnhem Lee's zoo administration launched a drone to film the lives of the animals while elephants tigers and Himalayan bears reacted to the appearance of the drone with caution the chimpanzees decided to launch an offensive immediately - she made 23 year-old female chimp quickly mastered the art of air defense and cleverly brought down the drone and she did it using a stick the zoo staff noted that the device which cost about $2,000 cannot be restored but the camera turned out to be stronger and did not suffer from the fall it kept working and even caught the monkeys coming down from a tree to inspect their enemy when the animals got bored for their new toy the caretakers took its and the footage was posted on YouTube according to statistics about 350 people die every year in avalanches despite the fact that avalanches don't happen that often in other words a mountain of snow coming at you at great speed usually means death but eric hjorleifson is a lucky guy this professional Canadian free skier was doing his favorite thing enjoying the great weather when something unexpected happened Eric's movements disturbs the huge heavy masses of snow suddenly the skier found himself in the middle of a roaring avalanche his camera caught the details but because of the snow it's absolutely impossible to understand anything but be sure that skiing through an avalanche is not an activity you'd recommend to your friends however Eric was really lucky the Avalanche did not swallow him and left him almost unharmed the skier only hurt his knee a little but the fear was real and we can't judge him for being scared who says that the bad weather a storm or a hurricane is a reason not to have fun who said that you can only surf in the sea or the ocean if you're brave and creative enough and like to have fun you can come up with something more interesting then great a professional surfer along with his friends decided that the recent storm wasn't a reason to stay at home moreover it could help them with their leisure activities the weather turned the streets of Long port district in New Jersey into rivers and when there is water you can surf but there were no natural waves so the friends used a car instead and it looks like they had a lot of fun the bald eagle is one of the most beautiful and mysterious birds in the world few people have ever run into a bald eagle and those who have been lucky enough usually remember this moment for the rest of their lives in May 2015 Matt Beadle came up with an idea he brought some salmon leftovers and put them on a big log near his house he installed GoPro camera turned on the recording and started waiting Matt hoped that the food would attract the Eagle and while the Eagle was eating he would capture some priceless shots and his plan worked sort of the bird came for the salmon but instead of eating the fish on the spot it decided to take it along with the camera apparently the bird like new technologies soup sound in addition to the beautiful footage of the Eagle Matt got footage from the POV of the bird literally but there was a small problem the camera had to be returned otherwise it would have been all for nothing Matt and his father were able to determine which tree the Eagle sat on but they couldn't find the camera anywhere near the tree in the ends they had to climb up and look on each branch for the GoPro dots he was definitely worth it stories about people saving a kitten or a puppy are really touching but in most cases these stories can hardly be backed up by a photo so they're touching only in your imagination but not this one it was Thanksgiving morning when Brandon Bingham and his family went outside to play snowballs about 30 centimetres of fresh snow fell overnight so the conditions were perfect the family took a camera with them to take some pics but they had no idea that they were about to find something one of the boys found a frozen kitten in the snow it seemed that he was completely numb and wasn't gonna make it however they robbed the kitten and he showed signs of life the Bingham family decided to fight for the life of the animal the kitten came to his senses but was still on the verge of death they reanimated the creature for over an hour and the kitten came back to life a real miracle they immediately found a loving family for the animal and this touching video went viral there are many stereotypes about different animals and most of them are confirmed by real facts for example cats don't get along well with dogs and they just hate water - except for this cat called Ditka this little ball of fur from Australia really loves water you can swim in the ocean or relax in a cozy pool even as a Daily Mail article about him overall he's a real celebrity but Ditka doesn't get wet if he doesn't have to and why when you have a wonderful dog friend called ice this dog likes to be a surfboard for his buddy a very smart board ice is very careful when did gars on its back making sure that the cat doesn't fall into the pool and it looks like the two of them are happy and like to have fun together okay let's be honest skiing in the woods at a great speed is not the best idea you may lose control fly into a tree and you'll be lucky if this collision ends simply with a fracture however adrenaline lovers enjoy these kind of challenges and one of them is just for cheer des from Sweden in the summer he created an extreme track in the forest he set up ramps removed unnecessary branches and prepared a rail yeah looks a bit strange and all this in order to go back there in winter and try to overcome the route on skis Jesper wants it among other things to fly between the trees without hitting the trunks and losing balance well it didn't work out right away but this guy's really stubborn and he did it in the end and he videotaped this crazy feat no snow no Hills that's not a problem when you have a great imagination and don't care to put your body at risk just look at this Daniel freed Schwartz decided to use the escalators in a mall as a ski slope and he took a GoPro with him of course this was possible thanks to the architect who place the escalators one after the other Daniel just couldn't resist just in case don't try to do this seriously it could end up very sadly but Daniel fortunately was lucky enough not to break anything we wonder what the mall security think about this kind of entertainment once upon a time there was a 32 story 116 meter skyscraper known as the AFE tower in Frankfurt the building was built in 1972 as part of the University campus and until 2013 consisted mainly of offices and seminar rooms of the department's of social sciences and education after the departments were moved to other premises the tower was demolished gradual dismantling began in July 2013 and was completed at the end of January 2014 with the decisive explosion taking place on February the second and yes this epic moment was captured on camera you have to admit there's something fascinating about a huge building being destroyed in a few seconds and this stunning video was filmed on bokor hill in Cambodia according to photographer Robert Campbell he sat there for hours as you see the view from there is incredible but even more fantastic is the number of butterflies there and how they don't mind crowds however it's hard to be afraid of someone when you outnumber them a tsunami is a scary and dangerous natural phenomenon but what about a tsunami of clouds this unusual show can be seen in many parts of the world for example in 2012 it was seen off the coast of Florida just look at these pictures just imagine for a second that they're not clouds but water it looks like something out of an end-of-the-world movie this is caused by the moist air the changes in atmospheric pressure and stuff like that the clouds form in one place then the wind pushes them up and then the humidity increases and then as a result the tsunami of clouds start to move and it turns out to be a beautiful and slightly frightening sight dude are you looking for new technologies and great gadgets are your thoughts focused on the future deal off huge vehicles and can't imagine your life without robots around here and visit tech zone and you'll find all this and more the link is in the description you interested great [Music] [Music]