Wolf greeting behavior involves tail-wagging, muzzle licking, nose tapping, tail tucking, and varied vocalizations - gestures of intimacy and enthusiasm that reaffirm the unique emotional bonds that shape the foundation of the family. How many nose taps/kisses can you count in this family greeting? Beyond being happy to see one another, this Mexican gray wolf family represents the Wolf Conservation Center's participation in the active effort to save their species from of extinction. The WCC, a 501c3 non-profit organization in South Salem, NY, is one of a network of facilities participating in the Mexican Wolf Species Survival Plan (SAFE) - a bi-national initiative whose primary purpose is to support the reestablishment of Mexican gray wolves in the wild through captive breeding, public education, and research. For more information about wolves and the WCC's participation in wolf recovery, please visit our website at If you want to watch the WCC's critically endangered Mexican gray wolves or red wolves in live time, visit our live wolf webcams at If you see something cool, let us know! Follow us on Facebook - ---

CharMaine Added Eight wolves huddled on a little hill. I think someone could write a children's book about this.