Healthy Horse Smoothies
Healthy Horse Smoothie Recipes that your horse will LOVE! In this video I share a little treat that I like to give my horses BUT it's not just for fun, it also has a serious training bonus to incorporating this into your horses lives. I love working with horses and now in 2020 we can find fun and enriching ways to live and work with horses!
Video Script::
another color I'm Emma Massengale horse trainer and adventurer hi everyone so it's roasting hot here today and I thought I'd have a bit of a break from riding the horses in the heat of the day and share with you a tip I have for working with horses it's about trying to have horses work with us in a way that everything we ask them to do that they're happy about everything that we do with them they're happy about and basically we can feel this amazing picture an amazing relationship with our horses so that they don't have any stress or anxiety in their lives now there's a few things that to do with care really that spring to mind when it comes to adding a slight anxiety and discomfort to a horse's lives and those things are quite hard to alleviate say for example horses need worming you know and obviously we do worm counts and things like that but on the odd chance that they're going to have worms at some point in their life they have to have lemmas now where most companies nice syringes I know you can get the ones you feed as well but most of us use these ones and you have to syringe a horrible tasting paste in their mouth not very pleasant and you can tell which horses to haven't enjoyed this experience in the past because they stick a head in the air net Oh get away from me get away we don't put that in my mouth the other thing they do to have things in their mouths is observe airing a bit not very particularly pleasant either how often and say anything to putting stuff in their mouth cannot be very pleasant experience for the horse and so what I'm going to do they show you how I like to alleviate that problem another good thing you'll say is for adding medications say for example sometimes horses need to have Bute as painkiller perhaps antibiotics oceans been having antibiotics and I am so so glad that I did this with him before it came to the time when he had to have that causes Mirotic's and their dog is making about so what we're gonna do is we're gonna make some smoothies today for the ponies now I'm gonna use some fruit it's nice tasting fruit and I risk use a variety of fruits and different things like some some of them love a bit of molasses in it so we're gonna use that only at the moment with the pollen count and being quite high he has respiratory issues so I'm gonna add a bit of respiratory boost as well to his it smells amazing so if you add that with a bit of carrot and apple he just loves it so it's a really nice way of making sure they get what they need if they're having any sort of additional supplements or medications let's get started the first one I'm gonna make it's got to be a strawberry smoothie all right I'm gonna add strawberries add him in there now obviously I wouldn't normally go to making this much effort every day for my horses but I do this every day actually but I might do it once a month or just include it in some of my horses training so for example if you have a really good training session and they do a really good job might come back and have one of these already done in the fridge from my breakfast or something leave a little bit leftover white strawberries in there they're not fussy about the green bits but looking pretty tasty see I might like one too had a bit of carrot he doesn't love the carrot much love well I never know carrots in there strawberries are Percy's all-time favorite I think between strawberries and bananas you'd pretty much do anything absolutely loves them he's like yummy right now ready and add a bit of water do you don't need to worry if you make it a bit too wet because I have this stuff here and it's like a natural thickener so it's completely natural no harm to horses just gonna basically thicken it a so if you make it too watery so let's get this on now Y pestis I'm gonna have to cut and put some music over cuz the horrible noise ready three two one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right I feel like we should test it maybe I should like beginning bit yummy yummy let's give it a bit of a stir made it quite doobie oh right hmm amazing yeah quality control and off-page so nice wouldn't normally be a massive fan of eating raw carrots but with strawberries in this movie as a winner you'll see why the horses like it so let's pause on this into and this glass here fill that one up a bit it makes a few different flavours for a bit over on that one down few more to go I'm just gonna pick Lee wins this out Wow let's crack on with flavor number two let's get banana thanks banana the other good thing about changing the flavors and textures and just mixing it up a little bit is that the horses get used to what they know so if you always do a smoothie that's tastes the same and is the same texture and consistency when you come to need to give them antibiotics or butyl whatever you might need to give them they are more suspicious say mix it up a little bit try different things see if they like it they don't want rubbing hot they're gonna go mushy anyway and horrible out noise coming up Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that one's looking gooey okay I'm making the right math they're ready that one's too cute come on okay we're gonna have to go for the poor on this one I mean okay right then let's crack on with number three that's of course gotta be apples not fussy like I say don't ask for tea fancy visit cutting up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oishi decimal in the process definitely not gonna pour out so let's keep this one out lovey-dovey right next one on to arguably the horses favorite carrots every carrots obviously my eyes are fairly flat little ponies and all of this ingredients has sugar in it so it's not about giving them lots of it it's just about giving them a nice experience because if they're happy to have something syringe into their mouth and they think it's gonna be a pleasant experience and they're gonna keep that in their mind when it comes to giving them those things that perhaps don't taste quite so nice okay and I'm gonna add is the thing Ernie's a lie so I'm gonna add a bit of respira to beast on this one just double-check me amount for him just pour that in there stuff smells amazing actually really like it okay water in that as well okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] downside to these so noisy right yes this one's gonna be check that out I love that and last but by no means least let's make a and molasses one let's just put a bit of everything in this one good way testing quality penalty character alright let's add some molasses heavy pour some of this in oh my gosh I have to say you gone overboard for this that's just loosen them up right let's pour some of this in here like treacle great thing we're gonna need any water on this one [Music] [Applause] [Music] not one you want to take the lid off for Midway three you know where yes right let's put this one in this jug okay look at that chili Chico now I've got my five different flavors and they're all slightly different textures so some of them will be perfect for sucking out with a syringe but and some of them like this one's a little bit thin so what I'm going to do I'm just gonna add a little bit of this gum and that will help thicken it up a little bit so it doesn't go everywhere it's just a natural thickening agent doing you very much that's probably way too much and it's gonna go these all look the right consistency now that one's much thicker just gonna use these feeding syringes as they've got soft ends so they're not pointy and we'll be able to just suck up I'm ready to get really messy skate banana mmm I don't doesn't yell don't care it here you go sir oh that's gonna go right next to them molasses yo and carrot and respiratory boost [Music] well they say the proof of the pudding is in the tasting and I think we need to go and find some ponies and test them out let's go first up we have custard you should be in here somewhere keep the sleep can have a little treat in bed now custard is a lover of the molasses let's dig it Hey look I got this you're in bed very pretty don't need Oh YUM nice mmm yummy is it boy I don't think that one's definitely a we're not good boy I don't you've had it oh oh here carrot I miss pretty Beast it's going down he wants more banana frozen banana yes I think is a plan that's fatty I know you love strawberries I know you love it buddy all right every any more carrot anyone again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] happy life's for every day everywhere sad scared everywhere man sad you driveling that is definitely enough sugar for you yeah all right over the shoulder joke that's guy syringe it in anyone roll up he wants them he wants them nice you a strawberry you're way too close personal space issues personal space issues nice you look at the state of you you guys need a bath again anyone ups trying any banana you are a banana my face oh gosh she's going out of everywhere it's coming up Oh Ruby do Oh Ruby do a color okay what you're gonna get in the paddling pool again in a minute cuz you're disgustingly filthy now look I think that was definitely a success they really enjoyed that I am not wearing half of it let's go see what the connemara think of it I can't my eyes like this a little bit too much so I dashed across the field onto the log so I can keep myself out today because they're all in there together let's go [Music] fire light Oh guys that's it you had it Oh Oh God Oh summer retreat I was so much fun it's just nice doing these things that kind of just our enrichment they're a bit of fun but I'll say I know that now if I have to learn them or give them any medication that they're gonna be taking fine for having something put in their mouth I need to get home fast now I am covered in molasses and banana