Filming Baby Sun Bears Is NOT Easy Video! | Bears About The House | BBC Earth
This rescue sun bear cub is FULL of energy! Fun to watch but nearly impossible to film! Extra content from Bears About The House In this heartwarming and at times hard-hitting series, conservationist Giles Clark helps set up a bear rescue centre in South East Asia while rearing bear cubs of his own. Having previously raised endangered tigers and big cats in his family home, Giles travels to Laos in Asia, where sun and moon bears are under threat due to illegal bear bile farming. A pioneering wildlife rescue centre is being built, and Giles and his family move in next door to help. Alongside caring for a sun bear and two moon bear cubs at home, Giles rescues bears from all over the country, builds wild enclosures so liberated bears can live a natural life, and releases other rescued animals back to the wild. Will he manage to secure a free future for bears in Laos?
Video Script::
[Applause] [Music] [Music] I got backdoors in the love handles ah soft bits under there man she's just play fighting but that play fighting should play with mom or should play with a sibling and it's a way of maintaining that bond and socializing it's not easy being a toy for a baby somewhere [Music] [Music] definitely forced nature you aren't you she reminds me of that cartoon tassiedevil you know we're just poor through and everything's destroyed all in down [Music] those claws are becoming pretty sharp and she grabs hold of you you can't get her feels like I've had a fight with a bramble bush more than anything else oh my no you can't stop going up there I hid the can of tuna at the top of the pole they thinking it she won't be able to climb the park no way she has fun fun oh my god she's a heavy ban out [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]