Don Rickles gives Lou Brock baseball tips on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson - 09/01/1977
Don Rickles gives Lou Brock baseball tips on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson - 09/01/1977
Video Script::
my next guest and good friend mr. warmth Don Rickles is is finally very busy his television series CP Oh Sharky seen on NBC Wednesdays at 9:00 will still be on this fall that's a new record Rickles has lost more pilots in the Japanese air force I got a good mine in early folks he is that he's also the host isn't I right Joe he's our host of a television special us against the world or is the u.s. against the world either way us or us anyway he does that on NBC September the 7th from 8 to 10 o'clock and on September the 27th through August at 2 not through August 1 September 27 through October the 2nd he will be at the Boston Music Hall was Stephen evey busy busy busy would you welcome Don Rickles less you birds a bird museum where you going no I know you go into a Grange meeting or what this is a high-class show this is not something I know I know forgive me but I usually don't trust that I know you took this we come from the same school of being meticulous and dress accordingly one night you were a white jumper suit and I and I said to my wife I said hon look at that and she said hey looks absolutely adorable my wife is a lonely Childress to adjust thanks around the park going high but hey Louise no point sticking up lead I [Music] [Applause] just got to say something because this man nobody realizes before by the way we all rely just on them Oh could you just leave certainly you get food in them why don't you tell my money in later you do tell why they've good to see us I spoke to the hospital your lip is gone now you've started to tell us why you're dressed this way I'm dressed this way let's do one thing at a time otherwise you know get the fun I get the feeling I'm at a clinic and you're my same height and I know your problems anyway laughs lobe anyway poor players they don't know anything say anyway uh the reason I'm dressed this way I usually come out with the time to shake John knows meticulous but we're rehearsing CPO Sharkey and there is a rumor and a story about Scipio Sharkey that it went in there and John bless his heart since we've known each other I've had trouble with my own show I have the best show in the world I say it and we are wearing CPO Sharkey tonight and super sharp it will be on the fall and you people vote and right now I'm begging you so we'll be on in the fall but there's no way our date and that's why I'm just like this we just got through rehearsing and Erin Rubin is a brilliant man I'm glad to hear you're on earth oh really I mean and we got a guy called Richard slur Slattery who's a heck of an actor you know yeah well fine this is this isn't there you know stump the stars he's been I got to show you certainly Oh like I asked permission now now so you loo when you steal your 38 right moon son of a gun you better and I Met Your Wife Virgie in the back she said Lou's gonna steal more bases [Music] [Applause] [Music] grouchy I'll be within a minute sir tonight Kurt and D Crawford that's Willie Crawford's wife and my son Willie Crawford jr. are best friends your son is Willie Crawford jr. Willie Crawford jr. that's true they go to the same ycu school together much man makes six million a year it goes but I'm on a Nepal what but I'm set for the poor [Applause] ain't waiting to move something out so they can move you in anyway if I'm a course and John you played ball in the Midwest yes you and your brother dick and Nebraska sent more corn Harry did I ever tell you what we use for ball okay go so see CeeLo when you when you lead off you're 38 now right Lou Lou do you want it are these two tough friend rappers the manager right see so when you leadoff see me like this 38 come on leg but I must say I'm here for my son Larry my daughter my family I must say from the bottom of my heart I am a baseball fan Tommy Lasorda's my idol and you're the second guy in the world that I had door and you are a great athlete in public [Applause] [Music] rah-rah-rah remember the words of Notre Dame we're losing right father fluffy read the song babies we'll be right back Bell was reading the size right six mils [Music] [Applause]