Deal Or No Deal Wouldn't Work In India. Kabir Singh
Deal or no deal wouldn't work in India, just ask Kabir Singh.
Video Script::
I got the new iPhone with Siri on it you guys have Siri Series races Siri only that understands white people that's why you only see why people use Siri on commercials every course is white people be beep Siri could you tell Michael and Jason on me and better on the way please BB Meza said then I use it with my Indian cousins names and all hell breaks loose right then I use it on my feet beep Siri could you tell Raj gender pretender and satinder that me and Priya are on the way please beep we located five 7-elevens in your area we made you traitor I won't stand for it Indians game made it fun for a lot of stuff - some stuff is true right like Indians will bargain I don't know this Indians will bargain anytime anywhere will bargain while we're getting robbed robbed I've seen it Hey put your hands up okay buddy hear me out how could I put one hand up okay everybody calm down it's like I shoot you in the face how about you just stop in V caller today okay just give me all your stuff how about I give you half my stuff and you give me your watch it's a very good deal you're not that's why you never seen any Indians on Deal or No Deal Louis hey too it would just be for out some Indian guy yelling no Neil no thank you we haven't even offered you anything yet sir you're in line actually had the opportunity to do shows in India which was a blast I don't even know this but we don't use toilet paper in India did you guys know that no we use water in our hands because we believe that's more hygienic and better for the environment which is fine with me but the problem is they told me this eight days into the trip after I high-fived half of New Delhi okay when no wonder that was me my cousin was pumped to see me though you wanted to impress me the first place he took me to was an amusement park that sounds like fun right rollercoasters in a third world country I'm already afraid of heights now I'm on a wooden roller coaster in Bangladesh I'm just going up this like I'm gonna die there's no way I'm gonna survive this my cousin looks at me like don't buddy buddy these roller coasters are just like the ones you have in America don't you funny buddy don't you buddy okay okay cool I look down I see two Indians pulling a rope one of them gave me a thumbs up I'm like put your hand back in the Rope brow there's people up here and then I thought to myself wow that rope must smell like poop I wouldn't touch that rope