Can Dogs Recognize a BAD PERSON? #Video
Dogs can sense danger and identify a bad person just by observing small signs that go unnoticed by humans. Have you ever noticed that your dog growls at some people and completely ignores others??? This is not a coincidence! Dogs have incredible abilities and an almost supernatural capacity to detect bad intentions, lies, and even imminent danger.
In this video, you will discover how dogs know who is trustworthy and who is not, what makes them suspicious of certain people, and which signs they use to warn you about potential threats. Plus, we will reveal other surprising dog abilities that could even save your life!
Watch until the end to understand the secrets behind the sixth sense of dogs and find out if your dog has ever tried to warn you about something you didn’t notice!

iotus2 Added Dogs are pretty darn deceptive! I love a well-trained friendly dog.
Helene Added Yes dogs can detect bad people. My dog warned me when a thief was approaching the neighbor's house. Later the Police was sent to that house that has been broken into.
Ham Todd Added Dogs are so amazing!
CharMaine Added Mel, how nice of you to offer up some educational material. I'm a little smarter. You are not only fun and sensitive but a teacher too. A guy of many talents. Hope you and yours are enjoying a wonderful weekend. Be blessed.
Randy Ferguson Added Very informative! Thanks, Mel!
Sm Added Very interesting. Tk you. You are spot on! I have always had 2-3 dogs & remember these types of actions they displayed. Enjoyed watching something positive.
Becky Added Oh indeed I know my Shepherds and Yorkies do this as well...... I learned more from them on this week just like video is saying -- beware of "whatever" new neighbors etc -- it was so interesting last few days what they've told me... I believe my pups!!
Kathy Added Dogs are so intelligent, protective and intuitive. I've had 7 of them and they all displayed one or more of those reactions around different people at any one time.
Vivienne Added Such a good video. I always knew that dogs knew that if someone was scared of them as well.
Sandi Angel Added GREAT video. My dog, Jaxon, sensed that once from a guy that works on my sewer. He came into the house and Jaxon immediately started a low growl. He stood right beside me (joined at the hip I call it) and growled until the guy left my house. Until that moment, I wasn't sure if he'd protect me or not.
Patricia Yager Delagrange Added fascinating
Barb N Added Some of these I didn't know. Very interesting. Thanks