Pets And Animals
Meet Honeysuckle’s Quadruplets! - Sunflower Farm Creamery #Video
Added 1,031 Views / 0 LikesYesterday afternoon, after days of us watching and excitedly waiting for her kids to arrive, Honeysuckle had four kids born in record time. In just over 15 minutes all four kids were out, dried off, and nursing. They pretty much each popped out in rapid f
Who’s the better dog? Sunflower Farm Creamery #Video
Added 596 Views / 0 LikesDon Pedro (14 year old Nigerian Dwarf goat) is doing a great job helping us keep the new great Dane puppy Arthur in line. And Arthur is learning to be respectful of goats. But Donnie P draws the line when Arthur tries to take over his role of shop manager
Guy Finds a Stray Kitten With One Eye And Saves Her Life #Video
Added 668 Views / 0 LikesThe story started when Mr. Avahit found a stray kitten on his way. At the moment he was found, the cat had only one eye. In response to this situation, Avahit immediately went to a veterinarian.