Pets And Animals
Dog With Bouncy Ears Is Looking for a Friend #Video
Added 11.9k Views / 0 LikesWhen Lisa first met Frankie, he was terrified of bigger dogs. Although he has so much personality, magic ears and a smile that will make you melt, Frankie needed a friend. That’s when Gus came into the picture. Gus is the perfect size for Frankie to
Miracle Moment Elephant Accept Each Other When Meet For The First Time - ElephantNews #Video
Added 604 Views / 0 LikesWatch the miracle moment on the arrival of elephant Bai Toey first meet with Mee Boon the blind elephant at Elephant Nature Park. Bai Toey was immediately accepted by Mee Boon! Bai Toey seems very calm and relaxed when they spend time together. No one can
I rescued four baby red squirrels [The Squirrels & Me] #Video
Added 958 Views / 0 LikesI rescued four baby red squirrels [The Squirrels & Me] #Video Afghan Hound Dog Breed: Afghan Hounds Are My Spirit Animal Airedale Terrier Dog: Airedale Terriers Are My Spirit Animal Akita Dog Breed: Akitas Are My Spirit Animal Alaskan Malamute Do