Pets And Animals
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Nap Time for Baby Elephant Chaba - ElephantNews #Video
Added 153 Views / 0 LikesAfter finishing her lunchtime snack, baby elephant Chaba heads into the FahMai herd’s open night shelter, where a comfy sand bed awaits for her afternoon nap. As the herd follows, her ever-loyal adopted sister Pyi Mai is close by, keeping a watchful
My Cat is Weird. Cole and Marmalade.
Added 1,204 Views / 0 LikesNo catnip was involved! … These are all 100% genuine Marmatweaks, enjoy :)
Hairless Puppy Found On Beach Is Gorgeous Now #Video
Added 459 Views / 0 LikesThis woman is SO glad she came home from the beach with a mangy puppy
Does The Colour Of Food Prevent A Seagull From Stealing? | BBC Earth
Added 706 Views / 0 LikesA bizarre, and surefire way, to save your seaside sandwiches from greedy gulls. Nature's Boldest Thieves Seagulls and other animals are learning to adapt to the urban environment and steal from humans. They're crafty, courageous, and coming for your food.
Woman Rescues 3 Dogs Just In Time #Video
Added 1,172 Views / 0 LikesPuppy refuses to stop hugging his foster mom until she agrees to adopt him
This Donkey Sings To Get Everything He Wants #Video
Added 567 Views / 0 Likes28-year-old rescue donkey didn't sing until he was adopted — and now he sings nonstop until Mom brings him food!
The Wildlife that Crosses a Beaver Dam over 8-month Period in Northern Minnesota #Video
Added 607 Views / 0 LikesFootage from a remote camera put on a beaver dam in Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota from July 2017-January 2018.
Caprock Canyons Bison Keeper Video - Texas Country Reporter
Added 1,015 Views / 0 LikesMeet the man who oversees the official bison herd of Texas, descended all the way from Charles Goodnight’s herd. Donald BeardCaprock Canyons State ParkP.O. Box 204, Quitaque, TX 79255Phone: 806-455-1492 Follow us on Twitter:
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Bear feels grass for first time in 20 years #Video
Added 149 Views / 0 LikesBear feels grass for first time in 20 years
Tiny Bear Cub Siblings Learn How To Be Wild | The Dodo Wild Hearts
Added 1,235 Views / 0 LikesTiny bear cubs seized from hunters learn to be wild together.
I adopted a deaf dog no one wanted. Here's what happened. #Video
Added 514 Views / 0 LikesI adopted a deaf dog no one wanted. Here's what happened. #Video
Lil Dinos
Added 822 Views / 0 LikesThese funny little lizards sure look like dinosaurs. Check out some of the coolest reptiles we could find!
Tiny Chicken Loves His Tiny Shoes | Dodo Kids #Video
Added 512 Views / 0 LikesNubz is no ordinary chicken: He's a cool, shoe-wearing chicken! What?! A chicken in shoes?! It's true! Nubz's shoes actually help him to walk around, which means they're both cool AND super important. But now he's on the hunt for a NEW pair of shoes, and
Four Rescued Elephants Enjoying The Rain And Mud Pit For The First Time! - ElephantNews #Video
Added 706 Views / 0 LikesDuring the Covid crisis, and for more than 700 days, these four elephants have been chained. They had no freedom and never enough food. They lived under a bridge. They have known each other, but never been friends without a hook present. Each of them used
Is this horse magical? Mufasa at the Ridge #Video
Added 436 Views / 0 LikesMufasa update! To support the work at the sanctuary please click or thank you---
Curious Cat Smacks A Candle Video. Your Daily Dose Of Internet.
Added 18k Views / 0 LikesI can not play the piano or juggle but you get to see a guy do both at the same time in today's video plus a lot more... Enjoy!