Pets And Animals
This Dog Stared At The Wall For Hours Until Finally Realized He Was Home #Video
Added 834 Views / 0 LikesWhen Kelly and her favorite rescued Walt, he would barely make eye contact with anyone. He was scared to come into the house and would stare at the wall for hours. Now he finally feels at home and has turned into the most playful little menace.
Unlikely Friendships Video | Pets Translated
Added 796 Views / 0 LikesThese talkative animal odd couples make the best of friends.
Cat is adopted after husband gets ultimatum #Video
Added 436 Views / 0 LikesThis kindhearted man took his boat out on the lake when he realized a trapped deer needed his help
07:26 Popular
Growing Up Golden: Golden Retriever Puppies | Too Cute!
Added 1,153 Views / 0 LikesWatch these new born Golden Retriever puppies grow up; from their first breath and learning to walk, to teething and playtime. Stream Too Cute! on Animal Planet GO: Subscribe to Animal Planet: http://www.yout
Family Raises Duckling Who Was Rejected By All The Other Ducks #Video
Added 697 Views / 0 LikesDuckling who was rejected by all the other ducks does the happiest tail wag when they finally accept her
Little Black Kitten Getting Rescued When The Dogs Came #Video
Added 637 Views / 0 LikesDessy's mom feeds stray animals in her neighborhood. There are cats, dogs, hedgehogs, sometimes even foxes. She told us about a new little black kitten who appeared at one of the feeding spots in the morning. The place is dangerous for little kitten who p
Wolf pups checking things out and eating snow #Video
Added 581 Views / 0 LikesNext door to the Nashata Pack, whose pups did not do well in 2021, is the Cranberry Bay Pack whose pups did very well! You can see all four of the Cranberry pups below, one of which seemed REALLY into eating some snow... And no, we did not put anything in
AWW CUTE BABY ANIMALS Videos Compilation
Added 18.3k Views / 0 LikesIf you like cute animals, this video is guaranteed to make you smile!
Songbirds for Beginners, a Teach Yourself Video
Added 818 Views / 0 LikesSongbirds for beginners, a Teach Yourself video. 25 European Songbirds. This is the deal: You first hear the bird, then you see it and then the name is displayed. In the Bluethroat and the Reed Warbler regrettably the name is missing. The following birds
Sad mama camel realizes she and her baby are finally safe #Video
Added 415 Views / 0 LikesWhen mama is introduced to the other rescue camel, love immediately starts to blossom
Woman Patiently Gains Trust from Rescue Horse - MISA | The Dodo
Added 852 Views / 0 LikesWoman Waits Patiently For Her Horse To Love Her Back | This love story didn't start out perfect — and that's what makes it so magical. You can keep up with Tara and Artemisa on Instagram, unbridgledgoddess: Love Animals? Subscri
It’s another case of whodunit at Elephant Nature Park! - ElephantNews #Video
Added 956 Views / 0 LikesThe mystery of the broken sprinklers is usually solved quickly by identifying the cheeky elephant nearest to the scene. Today, it was our beautiful girl Chana! Our playful herd keeps our maintenance team busy every day, but we wouldn’t have it any o
Take A Scrolling Break With This Monarch Butterfly #Video
Added 590 Views / 0 LikesStop scrolling and breathe for a minute. We promise you won't regret it.
33-Year-Old Blind Pony Gets A Seeing-Eye Donkey #Video
Added 685 Views / 0 Likes33-year-old blind pony gets set up on a friend date with a mini donkey and it goes really, really well.
AWW SOO Cute and Funny Pug Puppies - Funniest Pug Ever #19 #Video
Added 618 Views / 0 LikesAWW SOO Cute and Funny Pug Puppies - Funniest Pug Ever #19 #Video
Follow The Herd | Pets Translated Video
Added 712 Views / 0 LikesMake way...there's a lot of talking pets coming through!