Pets And Animals
Rottweiler Is Terrified Of His Little Sister #Video
Added 313 Views / 0 LikesWait til she brings out his inner puppy
Baby Starling Chooses His Rescuer As His Dad | The Dodo Little But Fierce
Added 1,459 Views / 0 LikesSomeone found a tiny baby starling screaming for help with no parents in sight. Mike Franzman took him in and taught him how to be a bird. In return, the bird chose Mike to be his dad.
Dalmatian Who Was Terrified Of Men Gets Adopted By One #Video
Added 793 Views / 0 LikesAggressive' Dalmatian is terrified of men — and this guy just flew out to adopt her
Rescue Cat Has A Grandpa Face But A Heart Of Gold #Video
Added 511 Views / 0 LikesThis cat looks like an old gentleman and snores like someone's grandpa. But he got to shamelessly do so only after a lovely woman rescued him from the street and his rough past. Now he is free to sleep happily with his human and feline friends.
Donkey named Hazel has her own song and Loves it #Video
Added 481 Views / 0 LikesHooray for Hazel.
Amazing Talking And Singing Raven! #Video
Added 640 Views / 0 LikesMeet Ravenelf, friend and companion of Janette Ingrain Hustwitt Skelton, Her Majesty’s Keeper of Castle Ravens, Knaresborough. Ravens are songbirds, and have the ability to mimic a variety of sounds, including speech.
A Whale Of A Tale Video
Added 976 Views / 0 LikesA family’s fishing trip off the coast of Canada came with a lucky surprise: a front row seat to a duo of humpback whales leaping and spinning in the air, all caught on camera.
Kitten Keeps Showing Up In Family's Backyard #Video
Added 227 Views / 0 LikesThe kitten distribution system at work
07:54 Popular
Jabu The Elephant Gets A Life-Changing Leg Brace | Extended Cut | Dodo Heroes
Added 985 Views / 0 LikesDerrick Campana creates prosthetics for animals to give them a second chance at a healthy life, and he's taking on his biggest challenge yet by making a leg brace for Jabu the elephant after an injury left him unable to walk properly. Stream the ENTIRE SE
Man Rescues Buck Stuck In Fence #Video
Added 8,217 Views / 0 LikesSuch a kindhearted man, the way he talks to the poor thing while freeing him
These dogs know how to get Attention - Funny and cute dog moments #video
Added 734 Views / 0 LikesThese dogs know how to get Attention - Funny and cute dog moments #video
Playful Baby Elephant With Her Big Ball #Video
Added 550 Views / 0 LikesEven though Wan Mai is growing up, she still enjoys playing with her big ball. Watch the adorable moments of this little elephant Wan Mai playing football under the supervision of her mother and nanny. When the baby elephant is happy, her behavior will al
Fox pups Grogu and Kina wants you make friends with the cats #Video
Added 653 Views / 0 LikesFox pups Grogu and Kina wants you make friends with the cats #Video
Added 815 Views / 0 LikesI came across this little guy peeping away on my lunch break. Long story short, we became friends over sugar water. He grew to love sitting on my hand, and cozied up in my palm a lot. He wouldn't let me walk away once, and landed on my shoe. I convinced h
Barbour Christmas Advert 2024 | Shaun the Sheep x Baa-bour
Added 7,960 Views / 0 LikesCarolling at a very cold Mossy Bottom Farm, Bitzer is trying his best to conduct the choir, as their ‘baas’ begins to freeze. Find out if Bitzer can change the tune with the help of some Baa-bour magic.
07:54 Popular
Beau Nugget The Cat Starts His Difficult Weight Loss Journey | My Big Fat Pet Makeover
Added 2,142 Views / 0 LikesOwners of 10 year old tabby cat, Beau Nugget, turn to Travis Brorsen in hopes that he will shed some weight. Stream Full Episodes: Subscribe to Animal Planet: