Pets And Animals
Rescue cockatoo is obsessed with dad, calls him papa #Video
Added 241 Views / 0 LikesRescue cockatoo is obsessed with dad, calls him papa #Video
Watch This Guy Reunite With His Pit Bull That Went Missing In Car Crash | The Dodo Soulmates
Added 1,136 Views / 0 LikesThis guy found the perfect dog but when they were separated after a car accident he did everything he could to find him and when they were reunited it changed both their lives forever.
I Rescued 100 Abandoned Dogs! #Video
Added 933 Views / 0 LikesI'm so happy all of these dogs will be going to great homes
Parrot Used to Be Up To No Good, Now He is an Angel #Video
Added 596 Views / 0 LikesDon’t be fooled by the looks of this adorable quaker parrot, Lago, because when his owner, Courtney, brought him home, he was so naughty that he ate the keys off her computer keyboard! But although he is naughty, Courtney thinks he is funny and love
Added 726 Views / 0 LikesTry not to laugh at these hilarious parrots talking. Birds talking like humans.
Red Wolf Pups Share Howls and Kisses With Mom #Video
Added 538 Views / 0 LikesWolf greeting behavior involves tail-wagging, muzzle licking, tail tucking, + varied vocalizations -- all gestures of intimacy and enthusiasm that reaffirm the unique emotional bonds that shape the foundation of the family. For wolves, it's all about fami
How To Sneak Up On A Spanish Bull Video...
Added 787 Views / 0 LikesWhy would you wan't to?
Lonely squirrel adopts a human family #Video
Added 284 Views / 0 LikesLonely squirrel adopts a human family #Video
Brilliant Escape Artists | The Dodo
Added 807 Views / 0 LikesBrilliant Escape Artists | These animals are BUSTING out
Two Rescued Stoats Journey to Freedom | Rescued & Returned to the Wild | Robert E Fuller #Video
Added 638 Views / 0 LikesTwo Rescued Stoats Journey to Freedom | Rescued & Returned to the Wild | Robert E Fuller #Video Whisper and Stuart, the two tiny stoat kits I cared for this year, are now running free. With this brand new box set you can follow the full story of their
Guy Hears Howls Coming From 20-Foot-Deep Cave #Video
Added 13.9k Views / 0 LikesThis guy heard howling coming from a 20-foot-deep cave!
Hairless Dog Found By Gas Station Becomes Giant Fluffy Teddy Bear #Video
Added 859 Views / 0 LikesNervous hairless dog stranded in front of a gas station becomes the biggest, fluffiest teddy bear
Cat Gives Her Dad Hugs All Day, Every Day | The Dodo Cat Crazy #Video
Added 750 Views / 0 LikesCat spends the whole day on her dad's shoulders, and squeezes his paw when he ask
Dogs Playing in Water Fountains Video
Added 1,415 Views / 0 LikesThere is nothing more exciting for these cute and funny dogs than to play and jump in water fountains. It's just so much fun!
Blind Cat Cuddles With Baby Chicks #Video
Added 276 Views / 0 LikesMr. Fox, the blind cat from @thearcanimalsanctuary is so gentle with these baby chicks, they even cuddle on his belly while he sleeps
Spring Has Arrived In The Rocky Mountains! honeysada
Added 9,234 Views / 0 LikesSpring has finally come to this area of the Rocky Mountains and with it all our favourite wildlife returned here in these last few weeks…. The Elk came to our valley for the birthing season. The Geese on the pond are bringing up their young. The sa