Pets And Animals
Three Elephants Run And Make A Happy Noise In The Raining Day - ElephantNews #Video
Added 657 Views / 0 LikesWhat does an elephant enjoy ?! Food, of course, and in abundance. They also love rain! And Mud ! Observe a recent storm at Elephant Nature Park. Park staff may run for cover, but an elephant ?!? Wanmai, Mae Mai, and SriNuan are in their element. All eleph
Red-bellied Woodpecker #Video
Added 483 Views / 0 LikesSeveral Black-capped Chickadees and a male Red-bellied Woodpecker visit to see what foodstuffs are being offered at the buffet.
Pawsitive Baby Bunnies To Make Your Day #Video
Added 770 Views / 0 LikesBaby Bunnies are Adorable!!
Why We're Hell-Bent on Saving These Giant Salamanders
Added 983 Views / 0 LikesIn the fast-flowing streams of eastern Tennessee, Emilly Nolan is working hard to reestablish a population for a strange looking animal with an even stranger array of nicknames. The Eastern hellbender—aka “snot otter,” aka “lasagna
Once upon a time there was one CUTEST Kitten #Video
Added 398 Views / 0 LikesOnce upon a time there was one CUTEST Kitten #Video
Identify Your Backyard Birds #Video
Added 667 Views / 0 LikesIdentifying 80 Backyard Birds! Real video examples of 80 common Backyard Birds Identified by a combination of sights and sounds. All video and sound recordings were made by me - there is no stock footage or sounds these are real backyard birds - mostly ea
A Two Years Journey Of Baby Elephant Pyi Mai And Her Mother Kham Moon - ElephantNews #Video
Added 407 Views / 0 LikesWe compiled some highlight footage showcasing the remarkable two year transformation of baby Pyi Mai, from the time of rescue and her time since at Elephant Nature Park. This footage vividly depicts the stark contrast in Pyi Mai's health and condition bef
Baby goat is reunited with his mom #Video
Added 713 Views / 0 LikesA baby goat is reunited with his mama and the moment is so precious
Woman was told to put her blind dog down. Her response was perfect. #Video
Added 989 Views / 0 LikesWoman was told to put her blind dog down. Her response was perfect. #Video
Breakfast With Squirrels and Calm Music for increased focus video
Added 533 Views / 0 LikesIn this series, you will get to enjoy breakfast with wild animals in the Norwegian forests while listening to calm music and watching photos and videos that our friends and followers have provided.
Dog Is Very Good At Big Sticks | The Dodo
Added 1,092 Views / 0 LikesBosco the dog is very good at finding the biggest sticks!
Baby Elephant LekLek Crawling Under The Fence To Bring Food To Her Mother - ElephantNews #Video
Added 283 Views / 0 LikesThe feeding process at Elephant Nature Park involves providing the elephants with the right amount of food for their bodies. The mahouts have a place to store food where the elephants can't reach it. However, Lek Lek, the baby elephant, used her small siz
Antisocial Naked Guinea Pig Finally Finds His Soulmate | The Dodo Odd Couples
Added 901 Views / 0 LikesAntisocial Naked Guinea Pig Finally Finds His Soulmate | This naked guinea couldn't relate to anyone until he met the love of his life.
Dog Howling Sounds Compilation (Make Your Dog Howl And See How They REACT) #Video
Added 436 Views / 0 LikesDogs howl to attract attention, to make contact with others and to announce their presence. So many dogs howl when they hear a howling sound to respond to their fellow canines and make contact with them. In this video, we have compiled top howling sounds
Dog Who Can’t Walk in Straight Line Invents New Way of Walking #Video
Added 10k Views / 0 LikesFenix is a rescued disabled dog, who was almost put down by his old owners. Luckily, he was adopted by a kind family. He faces the world with a smile and it is his differences that make him special. His special way of walking is universally adorable. Feni
Woman Finds a Stray Kitten In a Store And Changes Its Life #Video
Added 780 Views / 0 LikesA kind-hearted woman from Ohio was on a shopping trip in a Walmart when she saw a young kitten wandering up and down the aisles meowing over and over! Though a completely unexpected event, this was something the woman, Annie, had always hoped would happen