Pets And Animals
Woman Can't Believe She Found THIS in Her Ceiling | Little But Fierce
Added 1,040 Views / 0 LikesWhen Sharon heard strange noises coming from her bathroom, she never expected to find a tiny baby lorikeet in her ceiling! Watch as the tiny bird goes from being a pink, helpless baby to a beautiful, healthy adult.
Woman can't find her crying kitten anywhere #Video
Added 330 Views / 0 LikesThat is not where I though he would be. This is so relatable!
Woman Cares For 70 Animals At Sanctuary #Video
Added 393 Views / 0 LikesWoman takes care of 70 rescue animals all by herself — and the wolf dogs prefer her daughter
Woman Carries Injured Falcon Up A Cliff #Video
Added 610 Views / 0 LikesThe second rescue is even crazier! A snake bird was found with cotton tied around his beak. He could not eat and barely walk, so a man helped cut him free. On the other side of the country, a Falcon was also struggling to walk. A woman helps him up a clif
Woman Changes The Life Of Every Dog She Meets #Video
Added 680 Views / 0 LikesWoman stops her car for every stray dog she sees
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Woman Climbs In Pipe To Rescue 11 Puppies #Video
Added 262 Views / 0 LikesThere were SO many of them — watch this couple pull them all out and find their mama nearby
Woman comes up with a genius way to save senior shelter dogs #Video
Added 1,398 Views / 0 LikesThis photographer is saving shelter dogs through her camera
Woman Convinces Guy To Give Her His Chained-Up Dog #Video
Added 1,611 Views / 0 LikesWoman Convinces Guy To Give Her His Chained-Up Dog #Video
Woman Convinces Her Husband To Adopt A Dog...Over And Over Video
Added 936 Views / 0 LikesWatch how many times @Katy from Lustrelux can convince her husband, Jon, to adopt another dog!
Woman Convinces Husband to Adopt Kitten By Bringing Him Home #Video
Added 685 Views / 0 LikesWoman adopts a kitten from another country even after her husband says no — now he loves to speak to him in a little cat voice
Woman Couldn't Bond With Parrot Until She Gave Him a Seed #Video
Added 568 Views / 0 LikesMaui is a beautiful parrot and a great friend. He's brought so much joy and happiness to his family. He's also learned quite a few tricks. He knows how to ride a bike, play basketball, bowling, say "Hi!". And he asks only one thing in return — seeds
Woman Couldn't Find Friend for Blind Kitten. It Was Destiny She Found Friend #Video
Added 765 Views / 0 LikesLiah is a blind cat. She was found with her eyes missing. Her human mom tried to find the friendliest cat at the shelter to fit in with Liah and that's how Luna came to the family. Now they are very close.
Woman Couldn’t Believe Her Neighbors Abandoned Their Senior Cat#Video
Added 338 Views / 0 LikesWho would do this to their senior cat?
Woman Crawls Through Drain Pipe to Save Kitten #Video
Added 787 Views / 0 LikesWoman crawls through 300 feet of sewer to save a kitten who sleeps on her head now
Woman Decides To Foster A Dog For The First Time...
Added 589 Views / 0 LikesWoman was not prepared for how difficult it would be to foster this dog
Woman Devotes Her Life To The Stray Dogs Of Bali Video
Added 742 Views / 0 LikesWoman feeds stray dogs for 15 years in Bali — and never expected this to happen.