Pets And Animals
Baby chick sounds like a fire alarm #Video
Added 476 Views / 0 LikesOur newest addition to the vineyard pest patrol. Soon these cuties will be patrolling the rows of vines gobble up all the bugs!
Baby chick sounds like a fire alarm video
Added 541 Views / 0 LikesOur newest addition to the vineyard pest patrol. Soon these cuties will be patrolling the rows of vines gobble up all the bugs!
Baby Chimp Falls Asleep In Pilot's Lap While They Fly To Safety #Video
Added 1,162 Views / 0 LikesRescued baby chimp falls asleep in pilot's lap while they fly to his new home
Baby Chimp Lola vs. Cardboard Tube Video
Added 772 Views / 0 LikesChimp Lola vs. giant cardboard tube! When a new enrichment item appears, this curious one-year-old is ready to investigate.
Baby Chimp Sits In Guy's Lap While They Fly To Safety #Video
Added 492 Views / 0 LikesWatch this baby chimp sit in this guy's lap while they fly to safety together ... and wait to see a rescued hyena becomes best friends with a very sweet dog.
Baby Chimpanzees Playing With Bubbles | BBC Earth
Added 650 Views / 0 LikesWho doesn't love bubbles?! Orphan chimpanzees need enrichment and stimulation - and what better way than playing with bubbles?! Baby Chimp Rescue Jenny and Jim Desmond are parents to an unusual and very large family – over twenty orphaned baby chimp
Baby Chipmunk Aram Loves A Neck Massage Video
Added 799 Views / 0 LikesBaby Chipmunk Aram Loves A Neck Massage
Baby Chipmunk Burrows Into Giant 115-Pound Dog's Fur #Video
Added 971 Views / 0 Likes115-pound dog falls in love with a baby chipmunk — and their mom finds the sweetest way for them to be together forever
Baby Chipmunk Burrows Into Giant 115-Pound Dog's Fur #Video
Added 1,198 Views / 0 Likes115-pound dog falls in love with a baby chipmunk — and their mom finds the sweetest way for them to be together forever
Baby Cow Adopts A Tiny Orphaned Piglet #Video
Added 912 Views / 0 LikesBaby cow meets orphaned piglet and is completely smitten
Baby Cow Loves Chasing His Dog Sibling #Video
Added 571 Views / 0 LikesBaby cow made his first happy sound because of this dog — and now that he's 1,000 pounds, he lays down to play with him
Baby Cow Struggles To Find Friends Until... #Video
Added 426 Views / 0 LikesBaby cow was desperate to make a friend, until he met someone who needed a friend just as much!
Baby Cow Who Didn't Have Any Friends Now Cuddles With His Chicken Best Friend #Video
Added 709 Views / 0 LikesBaby cow who grew up all alone was so sad — until Barbara the chicken snuggled up under his head
Baby Cows Are So Happy To Run Wild With Rescued Animals
Added 11.9k Views / 0 LikesThese three baby cows were born on a dairy farm but when farmers discovered that they couldn't produce milk they had nowhere to go. Luckily they found the best new home - and they're about to run wild with all kinds of rescued animals. Their reaction is p
Baby Deer Alone Without Mother Meets Chipmunk #Video
Added 1,309 Views / 0 LikesBaby Deer Alone Without Mother Meets Chipmunk #Video.
Baby Deer and Golden Retriever Video. Adorable Friends
Added 1,431 Views / 0 LikesGolden retrievers are really pros at making friends. The baby deer was rescued and from china.