Pets And Animals
Rescue Dog And Her Mom Love Hiking Together #Video
Added 362 Views / 0 LikesRescue dog loves hiking just as much as her mom does — so to celebrate 5 years together, her mom took her on the most beautiful hike!
Can Anyone Untangle This Sea Turtle From A Fishing Net? | Dodo Kids #Video
Added 406 Views / 0 LikesA sea turtle accidentally swam into an old fishing net, and now she’s totally stuck! Luckily, a whale watcher happens to see her flopping around and jumps into the ocean to try and save her. All he has to do is cut the net, but unfortunately it&rsqu
Adorable goat kids slide! I can’t even stand it! Sunflower Farm Creamery
Added 596 Views / 0 LikesEven after 14 years sometimes the goats still surprise me with their antics. I could not even believe how funny they were yesterday! The fact that they would find something to use as a slide and then line up and take turns made them seem so much like huma
When everything is just not enough! Donkey Chat #Video
Added 416 Views / 0 LikesDonkey Chat Tuesday with Steve to support our work, you can become a monthly Patreon at or thank you for your support---
Birds and Mushrooms Video 4K
Added 600 Views / 0 LikesBirds and Mushrooms. A video by Henk and Jenny Breij. Recorded in the Edo van Uchelen hide in Vledder, The Netherlands. With Great Tit, Chaffinch, Hawfinch, Dunnock, Eurasian Nuthatch, Blue Tit, European Robin and Great Spotted Woodpecker. Video in 4K. Mu
Gentoo Penguins Build Love Nests! | Penguin Post Office | BBC Earth
Added 693 Views / 0 LikesWhy have a rock on your finger when you can have them in a nice neat pile? These Gentoo penguins have the right idea. Natural World: Penguin Post Office On a tiny island in Antarctica, there's a post office surrounded by jaw-dropping scenery and 4,000 Gen
When you have a 'serious' conversation with your cat #Video
Added 937 Views / 0 LikesGet ready for some serious laugh-out-loud moments as we delve into the world of hilarious cat interruptions! This video captures the unpredictable and often side-splitting antics of our feline friends during the most "serious" human conversations.Share yo
Loyal Pigeon Travels Everywhere With Her Mom | The Dodo Soulmates
Added 979 Views / 0 LikesThis cuddly pigeon gets so excited when her mom gets home from work
The most INSANE transformation I've ever done | Farm dog first ever bath! #Video
Added 12k Views / 0 LikesThis Cowboy needs a bath!
Mama Bear & Her Cubs Can’t Resist a Good Backyard Swim #Video
Added 674 Views / 0 LikesPeter set up a Ring Floodlight Cam at his mountain house both for security purposes and to keep an eye on his furry visitors. “It’s normal for bears to come by,” says Peter.“Seems the pond waterfall noise attracts them, being able
CLAWS! (Jaws OwlKitty parody) #video
Added 672 Views / 0 LikesA parody of Jaws starring my cat OwlKitty.
Snowbirds Video - Fun Facts About the Winter Habits of Dark-eyed Juncos
Added 533 Views / 0 LikesDark-eyed juncos are very widespread and common, found throughout the entire Continent from Alaska to Mexico, California to New York, and from one end of Canada to the other.
Best Pets of the Month | December 2019
Added 687 Views / 0 LikesWe are wrapping up 2019 in style with Best Pets of The Month!!!
Relaxing 4K WILDLIFE and LANDSCAPE photography with peaceful music. #Video
Added 635 Views / 0 LikesMatt Shannon (Thats me) is an inspired nature and landscape photographer living on Vancouver Island. His images have captured an international audience and his artwork hangs in homes around the world. He has developed a keen eye for detail and a passion f
Parrot Follows Her Favorite Kid Everywhere
Added 13.4k Views / 0 LikesThis red-crowned Amaz0n parrot follows her best friend Wyatt everywhere they go. Jax and Wyatt are growing up together on their dad's ranch in Austin, Texas, and are best friends for life.