Pets And Animals
Pool Party Animals | Judgy Cat #Video
Added 14.4k Views / 0 LikesAs Summer approaches, pets are piling into the pools! Even pool pets cannot escape Judgy Cat!
Why You Should NEVER Work With Dogs! Behind The Scenes Video!
Added 955 Views / 0 LikesWhy You Should NEVER Work With Dogs! Behind The Scenes Video!
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Cat Doctor Gets A DM About A Special Needs Cat In Dubai #Video
Added 235 Views / 0 LikesNow the cat slides down the stairs and makes the whole family laugh
Watch How This Little Girl Celebrates A Country Christmas. Lexi Massingale
Added 21.5k Views / 0 Likes"Who doesn't love a country christmas?! I was asked this year to come up with a Christmas Video, an idea instantly came to me from my childhood, my Dad used to make us do all the animals before we were allowed our breakfast each day, an ethos that I very
3 hay bales = endless fun! #Video
Added 474 Views / 0 LikesThere are 19 baby goats in the barn now with more likely arriving tomorrow! And play time gets better every day! I love the sound of their hooves on the barn floor! Tonight they are sleeping soundly after a very busy day! 7 kids are sleeping over together
7 Reasons to Stop Hating Pigeons | The Dodo
Added 777 Views / 0 LikesPigeons have a bit of a bad reputation. Learn 7 reasons why you should grow to love these small birds with big personalities!
Goldendoodle Rests Head On Mom’s Belly Until He Meets His New Best Friend #Video
Added 15.8k Views / 0 LikesThis Goldendoodle stayed glued to Mom throughout pregnancy and now gets car rides from his baby brother!
Slow motion goat kids. Sunflower Farm Creamery #Video
Added 519 Views / 0 LikesWant to feel a little lighter? How about 4 minutes of goats defying gravity! The way goats move is always so much fun to watch, but when you slow it down it becomes totally mesmerizing! The look almost like they are flying. Each twist seems to defy gravit
My Pet Squirrel! #Video
Added 7,709 Views / 0 LikesAfter 6 months of taking care of a baby squirrel Jon's cat brought home, we finally release it to the wild. And you wont believe what happens next.
Magical Finland Sleigh Ride Video! | Reindeer Family and Me
Added 853 Views / 0 LikesGordoGordon goes on his first ever sleigh ride across a frozen lake. Not quite Father Christmas, but an unforgettable experience nevertheless.
Pittie Becomes Cat's Gentle Nanny #Video
Added 98 Views / 0 LikesPittie Becomes Cat's Gentle Nanny #Video
Entering Kill Zone with Great White Sharks!
Added 735 Views / 0 LikesOn this episode of Blue Wilderness, Mark and the crew are in Mexico and heading out on an adventure where they encounter their very first Great White Sharks -- in the kill zone! The Blue Wilderness series is your one stop connection to a wild world of adv
Balancing baby bully goats! #Video
Added 395 Views / 0 LikesThe kids showed off some serious balancing skills today! Love that every tree stump is a party waiting to happen! Woooohoooooo! Allagash was a little bossy to little Duck, but he seemed mostly unfazed! Thanks for visiting farm friends. Read more about our
Picture Day for CUTE Bear Cubs! | BBC Earth
Added 1,144 Views / 0 LikesThese adorable bear cubs are ready for their close up.
Spring vignettes in the Northwoods: 2023 #Video
Added 572 Views / 0 LikesChecked this camera last week: no wolves but some wonderful vignettes of life in spring in the Northwoods...including some parents with youngsters like this moose with her young calf and a momma bear with her 3 tiny cubs. Some beautiful snapshots from a s