Pets And Animals
Missed Connections Video | Pets Translated
Added 638 Views / 0 LikesThese Pets Are Too Hot To Handle! For the These Pets Are Too Hot To Handle!
These two orphans found comfort in each other #Video
Added 410 Views / 0 LikesRescued warthog and meerkat are real-life Timon and Pumba – just like our favourite duo from The Lion King. Hakuna Matata
Boy And His Baby Kangaroo Are Inseparable | The Dodo Soulmates
Added 989 Views / 0 LikesBoy And His Baby Kangaroo Are Inseparable | This kid and the baby kangaroo he helped rescue are a match made in heaven.
Barn Owl Flies Free | Rescued & Returned to the Wild | Robert E Fuller #Video
Added 429 Views / 0 LikesFlora the barn owl has fledged! Watch her first leap into the skies after I open the doors to her Barn Owl Nest Tower Box.
Bull Terrier Terrorizes Owners. He Just Needed A Friend #Video
Added 585 Views / 0 LikesCheeco is a firecracker and a half. This Bull Terrier runs around non-stop, plops on the floor during walks, and has no cares in the world. And although it's hilarious, at times, he was a bit much. That's when Cheeco's owners decided to get him a playmate
Cat rescued from street won't stop talking #Video
Added 837 Views / 0 LikesCat rescued from street won't stop talking #Video
Husky Confused By Crazy PUPPY in His GARDEN! #Video
Added 635 Views / 0 LikesNew Videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Plus Sundays on our second channel Jodie Boo(link above). Always at 4pm GMT London Time. Follow us: ...
Adorable newborn foal takes first steps video
Added 879 Views / 0 LikesAn adorable newborn foal takes its first steps within 30 minutes of being born. Video Script:: mid-summer and there's new life and new generations being raised all over the fence this conic fall has just been born and is still struggling to break free
When your Cat is basically your Mini me! #Video
Added 292 Views / 0 LikesWhen your Cat is basically your Mini me! #Video
03:12 Popular
Thriller Pets
Added 977 Views / 0 LikesIf you are big fan of horror films and pets, you've definitely come to the right place because we're combining the two to make the most epic thriller of the summer! The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most entertaining memes, and funnies
Scotland's Winter Wildlife | Scotland | Wild Travel | Robert E Fuller #Video
Added 581 Views / 0 LikesWhooper swans gliding over an icy Scottish loch, mountain hares camouflaged on snowy slopes, red grouse foraging for food in snow drifts and magnificent red deer stags guiding their huge harems over the slopes. This is the wild, raw beauty of Scotland.
Bernedoodle Waits for the School Bus Everyday to Hug Brother #Video
Added 607 Views / 0 LikesThis Bernedoodle was brought into a family and showed them something they never expected. When they brought Maggie home, she instantly connected with the boys. Everyday comes hell or high water. She waits for the school bus and greets her brother with the
Guy Plays Guitar To His Sick Puppy Until He Gets Better #Video
Added 793 Views / 0 LikesDad plays guitar for his sick puppy until he gets better — now he's 60 pounds and still gets carried around like a baby!
Baby Elephant Pyi Mai Hesitate To Get In Mud Pitch For The First Time #Video
Added 565 Views / 0 LikesWatch the adorable moment of baby elephant Pyi Mai try to observe and curious to know the mud pitch for the first time at Elephant Nature Park.
Street cat melts his way into trucker's heart #Video
Added 340 Views / 0 LikesStreet cat melts his way into trucker's heart