Pets And Animals
Frolicsome Pets - Funny Compilation
Added 843 Views / 0 LikesSassy Pets Funniest Videos April 2019
The Smallest Bird You've Ever Seen - Mystery eggs from abandoned nest #Video
Added 10.9k Views / 0 LikesSome extremely tiny eggs crossed my path and though I knew the chances were small, I put them in the incubator. For those wondering, this is, in fact, a Zebra Finch. She should start learning to fly at the age of 3 weeks, so I hope you keep us updated ! T
9 Animals With Incredible Beauty
Added 9,620 Views / 0 LikesOur world is full of beautiful, amazing creatures, and their diversity is astonishing. Bright fish, unusual birds, stunningly beautiful mammals and even insects! Yes, some insects are also incredible. Of course, many of these creatures are hard to spot in
Dogs are FULL of life lessons! #Video
Added 496 Views / 0 LikesDogs are FULL of life lessons! #Video
Giant Kingfisher #Video
Added 457 Views / 0 LikesGiant Kingfisher (Megaceryle maxima) eating a fish. Recorded at the Lake Naivasha Country Club, Kenya. Guide: Chege Mungai/Ontdek Kenya.
Golden Retriever And Kitten Compete For Kisses From Dad #Video
Added 744 Views / 0 LikesGolden retriever who was an only child gets a new kitten — watch them compete for kisses from Dad
My Husky Talks to ALEXA And She Heard Him! Video.
Added 1,288 Views / 0 LikesMy Husky Talks to ALEXA And She Heard Him! At one point in the video Alexa says "would you like Jurassic Bark?" She won't play it unless she hears the word "yes". Key gave his "yes" a few times and Alexa actually played the barking sound!
Why Does Your Dog Keep Checking On You? 10 Incredible Reasons! #Video
Added 6,491 Views / 0 LikesIf you’ve ever wondered about this, this video will surprise you! Here, you’ll discover ten scientific reasons that explain this canine behavior, including protective instincts, a sense of security, communication, routine, natural curiosity, a
Dog vs Giant Chicken Prank: Funny Dogs Maymo, Potpie & Penny
Added 896 Views / 0 LikesWatch funny dogs Maymo, Potpie & Penny React to a Giant Chicken Prank! In another one of cute dog Maymo's funny videos, the beagle dogs are dressed like farmers, tending their own chickens when a huge chicken walks in to surprise them with squeaky toy
Remote Prank on Mom - Layla The Boxer #Video
Added 939 Views / 0 LikesMom is WAY too gullible
Kitten Vs Snake & Other Halloween Specials! - Simon's Cat | COLLECTION
Added 871 Views / 0 LikesKitten Vs Snake - who will win? Stay tuned for a collection of all SIX of our #HAPPYHALLOWEEN Specials!
Possum Snuggles In Her Dad's Hoodie #Video
Added 529 Views / 0 LikesBaby possum missing her mom's pouch snuggles in her human dad's hoodie
Crow visits human family every day #Video
Added 776 Views / 0 LikesEvery morning Klaus the crow comes to get his morning coffee with his best friend
Living With Giants - ElephantNews #Video
Added 513 Views / 0 LikesTaking care of the elephant is not an easy job to do. Many details need to provide for These giants. Enjoy watching the way of how to treat them with respect and love and bring them to a new life. Learn More:
Pittie Who Spent His Whole Life Living Outside Gets A 'Bark Cuterie' Board #Video
Added 349 Views / 0 LikesWatch him pick out a donut with sprinkles