Pets And Animals
Woman sleeps on kitchen floor with terrified dog to help him feel safe #Video
Added 679 Views / 0 LikesWoman rescues all the scared dogs and transforms them into total lovebugs
Wild Mustang Finally Learns To Trust Her New Mom #Video
Added 646 Views / 0 LikesThis wild mustang was rescued and was terrified of humans. With love and patience, this woman slowly gains her trust. She gets introduced to another rescued mustang and they become best friends.
Donkeys go to the Spa #Video
Added 476 Views / 0 LikesBecome a Make a one-time Other ways to We appreciate every donation but do understand not everybody can help financially. By watching the adverts on
Tiny Rescue Kitten Refuses To Leave Baby Sister's Crib #Video
Added 1,063 Views / 0 LikesTiny rescue kitten crawls into his sister's crib every night — and was the first one to know when she got sick
Cute and Interesting Chickadee Behavior Video | Body Ruffling Display
Added 597 Views / 0 LikesCute and Interesting Chickadee Behavior Video | Body Ruffling Display
Kestrels vs Grey Squirrels | Apollo & Athena | Robert E Fuller #Video
Added 10.1k Views / 0 LikesWhen squirrels take over kestrels Athena & Apollo's nest site, there seems little hope of evicting them. Watch the struggle as this pair try to hang on to their nest site for the coming season.
Santi Serra Camps
Added 1,000 Views / 0 LikesWe want to share with you this video of the work of Santí Serracamps with his Arabian horses and his hawks. We hope you enjoy seeing it as much as we do.
155-pound Dog Will Only Sleep On Her Mom’s Kitchen Counter #Video
Added 1,388 Views / 0 Likes155-pound will only sleep on the kitchen counter. We talked to her mom about what happened when she filled the house with comfy dogs beds...
Best Background Vocals From A Baby Raccoon. Cutest Trash Panda Enjoying Live Classic Music #Video
Added 729 Views / 0 LikesYes our little singer is back and joining in on this classic America tune with Christopher Ameruoso. These little trash pandas are very vocal and curious. This one seems to like music a lot. -Enjoy
Sad little puppy proves to have the most beautiful coat #Video
Added 1,066 Views / 0 LikesIt's hard to believe it's the same dog in the end
Story time at the vets. Jacobs Ridge Animal Sanctuary #Video
Added 625 Views / 0 LikesWant to help us to continue offering shelter and caring to over 150 animals? Become a Make a one-time Other ways to We appreciate every donation but
Mother Shows To Her Baby Elephant 'Chaba' Learn How To Get Into The Mud Pitch - ElephantNews #Video
Added 782 Views / 0 LikesWatch the adorable moment of the mother try to show her baby to get into the mud pitch. Seem baby elephant Chaba hesitate for the first time, For sure she will learn from her mother and the herd here at Elephant Nature Park. Bunma and Chaba, they are no l
Finnegan hehehe Fox Friday. SaveAFox Video
Added 815 Views / 0 LikesFinnegan hehehe Fox Friday. SaveAFox Video
These Adorable Cats Love Traveling The World With Their Family #Video
Added 246 Views / 0 LikesMost-well behaved travel companions ever
10 Labrador Retriever Facts You Didn’t Know
Added 1,136 Views / 0 LikesThe steady temperament of Labradors and their ability to learn make them an ideal breed for search and rescue, detection, and therapy work. They are a very intelligent breed. They are ranked # 7 in Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs. The AKC describ
Wife has epic response when husband brings home a duck #Video
Added 486 Views / 0 LikesWife has epic response when husband brings home a duck #Video