Pets And Animals
A Few Birds to Watch for | Winter 2022 Forecast #Video
Added 489 Views / 0 LikesWinter is officially here, a great time to watch the birds that have stuck around providing us with beauty and enjoyment. Resident birds have likely been making rounds to your feeders daily. There are some winter migrants to be on the lookout for though.
A fierce hunter with a kind heart | Springer Spaniel #Video
A Finnegan Fox hehe a day keeps the depression away #Video
Added 590 Views / 0 LikesA Finnegan Fox hehe a day keeps the depression away #Video
A Fish with a Human Face. Your Daily Dose Of Internet. #Video
Added 1,149 Views / 0 LikesHello everyone, this is YOUR Daily Dose of Internet. In this video, I show you a fish with a human face. Also in this video, 2 guys use a stair machine at the same time. A squirrel does a mighty roar at a bird. A bird stares at a camera. Some streamers tr
A Former Hard Working Life Elephant 'Sook Sai' Get Family In Sanctuary - ElephantNews #Video
Added 505 Views / 0 LikesOnce upon a time, Sooksai had a horrible life, forced to work relentlessly, forced to mate, forced into a life of fear. But there came a time when that darkness lifted, and Sooksai was rescued to a better life in the sanctuary named Elephant Nature Park.
A Foster Mom Mimics Cat Mom To Help These Abandoned Kittens Survive Video.
Added 796 Views / 0 LikesTwo newborn kittens were found abandoned on the road, so their new foster mom took on the mama cat responsibilities in a unique way! Watch them thank her by growing up strong enough to climb up her legs any chance they get!
A fox discovers air conditioning. And gets instantly hooked. #Video
Added 707 Views / 0 LikesA fox discovers air conditioning. And gets instantly hooked. #Video
A Fox Who Became Attached To A Person After Being Saved #Video
Added 9,870 Views / 0 LikesThe rescue of a fox has become a touching love story between humans and animals.
04:03 Popular
A Frozen, Bloody Treat for Tigers
Added 918 Views / 0 LikesSenior keeper Kris Theis shows us how the zoo prepares bloodsicles for tigers using animal blood. Stream Full Episodes Now: Subscribe to Animal Planet:
A Funny and Cute Cockatoo Parrot Compilation - Bird funny Videos
Added 1,299 Views / 0 LikesA Funny and Cute Cockatoo Parrot Compilation - Bird funny
A Funny and Cute Parrots Compilation - Cutest Parrot Videos Ever
Added 2,368 Views / 0 LikesA Funny and Cute Parrots Compilation - Cutest Parrot Videos Ever
A giant dog with a giant heart | Newfoundland Dog #Video
Added 670 Views / 0 LikesMistake! Pongo is actually 6 years old
A Giant Egg's Bizarre Hatching - A Chick Called Albert #Video
Added 431 Views / 0 LikesWas it a dinosaur??? With it's paw sticking out of it's big emerald emu egg it almost looked like one. But this unusual hatching caused a lot of challenges and it took al my 30 years of experience to help this little fellow. Since I posted my last Emu vid
A Giant Snapping Turtle Showed Up This Family’s Yard With An Amazing Surprise. Video
Added 617 Views / 0 LikesWhen a giant snapping turtle showed up in Frank Iero's backyard in New Jersey, he had no idea how she got there. But Frank and his family were even more amazed when they discovered what she left behind. Watch as the Ieros take care of her eggs, watch the
A Giant Snapping Turtle Showed Up This Family’s Yard With An Amazing Surprise. Video
Added 1,442 Views / 0 LikesWhen a giant snapping turtle showed up in Frank Iero's backyard in New Jersey, he had no idea how she got there. But Frank and his family were even more amazed when they discovered what she left behind. Watch as the Ieros take care of her eggs, watch the
A Glimmer Of Hope, A Mutual Rescue Moment #Video
Added 6,806 Views / 0 LikesIn a world filled with challenges and heartache, animals often provide a source of healing and companionship. This is the story of Sarah, a woman who found solace and purpose through fostering dogs, helping those in recovery find hope and a chance for a b